There’s no shortage of lists about what to expect when having twins. I read A LOT of them. Especially once the shock wore off that our impending arrival was a double dose of sweetness. As much as I appreciate...
In the last 3 years our family has gone on (3) 2 week long road trips. The first trip was with our then 13 month old, CLOTH DIAPERED, daughter. Our second trip was with our then 2 year old daughter...
Here are some handy tips for any and all
parents, grandparents, and brave adults to help you
survive flying with baby!
Our son was born in March 2015; to date, we’ve taken him on four major trips (one involving a three-hour layover), and...
This post was written and sponsored by our partners at Affiliated Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics.
At Affiliated Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, our foremost priority is the proper, healthy dental and orthodontic development of our patients. Nothing makes us happier than...
Take Me Out To The Ball Game...
Two years, countless diapers, and nearly 365 games of regular season baseball has elapsed since Spring Training 2014. That’s two full seasons of warm summer nights, Cracker Jacks, and hot dogs for those...
Talking to Your Teen about Underage Drinking
Guest Post by Halley McIntyre - Program Manager at Mothers Against Drunk Driving Arizona
An ounce of preparation, as Ben Franklin so wisely noted, truly is worth a pound of cure. This fundamental idea...
Our little girl turned one a couple months ago and I’m having a hard time figuring out where that year went! I must have blinked. It took us a few years to have our daughter, so the fact that she’s...
I love Giada De Laurentiis. If there's anyone in the culinary world I want to be, it's her. She makes four course meals seem effortless; meanwhile, I'm standing over a hot stove two hours in with four half-burned pans...
Valentine's Day is approaching and we are neck-deep in the candy-laden holidays that began way back on Halloween. While your kids might have visions of chalky conversation hearts dancing in their heads, I want to chat about a sweet...
What do you think of when I say the word "Thanksgiving?" The turkey that's never done yet. Grandma's pumpkin pie. Yoga pants after dinner. The emergency room. I know what you're thinking- the emergency room?! It's true. And I'm...
Halloween is upon us and that means TREATS, TREATS and MORE TREATS! Thus I made a FREE Printable Halloween Treats Sorter for you! Do you feel like I do about candy? I don't like it, I really don't but I'm...
This is a sponsored post. I received services in exchange for this review. My opinions are my own and my review is an honest one.
I love my A LOT! What I love most about visiting Melissa at Matriarch Salon is the's...
School is in session, and with school comes the daily task of packing lunches for my kiddos. My oldest is to the age where she can prepare most of her lunches by herself, but my Kindergartener is still a...
Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”
- Emilie Buchwald
School is starting up again, you will see it again and again: read, read, read to your kids. As someone who loves reading myself, I am a big believer in...
No matter how experienced of a traveler you may be, throw children into the mix and it's a whole new ball game. My 2-year-old is nearing three, and to say he is a handful is an understatement. So when...
Although school has started for most of us, if you're anything like me, you still want to eke out the last few fun days of summer while you can. With Labor Day coming up, there's still time to plan...
Today we have a guest blogger, Megan McNamee MPH, RDN, CLT who is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist specializing in maternal/child nutrition, food sensitivities and disordered eating. She has a toddler and soon-to-be newborn at home and loves helping moms make...
Anyone who has survived a Phoenix summer knows that in addition to the heat, we have to contend with the rain, thunderstorms and dust storms associated with monsoon season. But while WE can quickly Google what to do during a...
Can you even image a child NOT having fun on the playground?! I sure can't.
Well this is exactly my current issue to solve. With a new school, new schedule, new teacher and new environment, my daughter who normally adjusts...
We did everything we were supposed to do: We purchased everything on the school-supply list, even the optional stuff for the class to share. We've gotten the requisite back-to-school haircut. We've bought a new school wardrobe, trekking from store...
It's true there's plenty of other fish in the sea, but why would you want a fish if you have a mermaid?" - Unknown
Every ounce of me LOVES the water and now it's inherited by my children who are...
Wow, this summer has certainly flown by! Before we know it--maybe even this week--the kids will be going back to school. Eep!
We wanted to do a few things to get ourselves in the back-to-school mindset. Pinterest, of course, has...
This is a sponsored post. I received product to review but my opinions are my own.
Have you noticed that some of our North Phoenix Moms Blog team has been traveling? Last Saturday on our Insta Take-Over, Stacey showed you...
Our family is currently planning our VERY FIRST Disney vacation. I’m very excited, but a little overwhelmed with all the “helpful” advice that can be found after a Google search. There’s page upon page of articles and blog posts...
If your kids are like mine anything that hits the theaters is their new fav! Seriously its been core "memries" this and core "memries" that ever since we saw the Pixar movie Inside Out recently. And my mommy brain...