
Nikki is an Arizona native who is married to her best friend. She is a newly second time mama of two handsome little boys, Jacob and her newbie, Owen. When not embracing mom life, Nikki puts her nursing degree to good use. Nursing has provided her with an amazing community of mom friends and plenty of playmates for her little guys. She comes from a big family and is thrilled to have been able to add to her clan. Favorite pastimes include cruising the local farmers markets and yoga classes, coffee dates with her hubby, and of course, spending time with her boys.

Top 5 Things I Didn’t Know I Really Needed

Just recently I have been trying to declutter and simplify our home.  In an interest of full disclosure, I jumped on The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, bandwagon—it’s a great read. There are, however, just somethings I...

2017 Guide to the Best Holiday Events in Phoenix

It's that time of year again! A time for family and friends who are all looking for fun and festive things to do. There are so many fantastic options valley wide. In a effort...

5 Reasons There Will Be No More Kids for Us

When I see those moms who have more than two kids and are really rocking it, I find myself in awe. I just don’t think I could do it. I always knew that I wanted more than...

Goodbye to the Heat! It’s Finally Time to Enjoy Fall

Dear Fall Heat,  Let's jump right into it friend, it's time for you to skedaddle. It's been a fun summer and we had a blast, but we need a change. It's for sure you, not me....

A Cold Brew Recipe You’ll Love That Is Easy, Fast, and Cheap!

This summer, like most of the country, my husband and I became obsessed with cold brew coffee.  I am not, however, fond of dropping $4+ every time I want a refreshing and cold caffeine fix....

Easy On-the-Go Breakfast Ideas for School Days

My baby just started preschool (insert tearful emoji here).  He is nearly three and we have been fortune enough to be able to have him home with my husband, me, or an entrusted nanny...

Please, Do Not Raise Your Boys to be Jerks

Recently a co-worker, who is single and child-free, said something to me after she had been dealing with a particularly difficult patient. “Please don’t raise your sons to be jerks.”  I suppose I could...

Are Private In-Home Swimming Lessons Right for You?

Living in Phoenix, there are pools everywhere.  Every year we hear horror stories about kids drowning and I think we all believe it will never happen to us.  The fact of the matter is, it really...

How to Make Homemade Mexican Popsicles

If you read How to Survive Summer in Phoenix as a Mom, you know that learning to make Homemade Mexican Popsicles was on my list of things to do this year.   After two attempts,...

The 5 Best Natural Deodorants :: Mom Tested and Approved

I am the smelliest sweaty Betty you are likely to meet. I work out regularly and I live in Phoenix, which might as well be the same as living on the face of the...

How to Survive Summer in Phoenix as a Mom

Summertime in Phoenix is not my favorite. Every year I tell myself that summer isn't so bad, and then every year I complain all summer long. Now that I have little kids, I hate...

What You Need to Know About Placenta Encapsulation

I'll be honest, when I first pondered the idea of placenta encapsulation, I was thoroughly grossed out. I mean, eating your own insides... is that really a thing?! Since I’m a registered nurse, I was...

Becoming a Mother and Being Happy with the Number on the Scale

One thing you should know about me is, I used to be fat.  I don't mean "girl fat" when you are a few pounds over the national recommendations.  I mean morbidly obese.  I stopped...