

Don’t Know What To Read Next?

As my school year is winding down, I'm looking at a summer spent with my family. I can't wait until I can stay in workout clothes all day, take my kids to the park...

This Working Mom’s Three Best Friends

It would be the understatement of the year to say that my family's life is a little crazy right now. I'm working full time and my husband is staying with my kids and finishing...

Culture Passes Are Here!

I almost don't want to write this post- I'm going to let you in on one of my favorite (and free) ways to get a little bit of culture and enjoy some of the...

3 Ways Being a Mom Has Made Me a Better Teacher

It's funny that I had worked with kids for several years as a teacher, but until now, had missed out on an entire facet of my career. I think I was a pretty solid...

Theatre Review and Date Night Giveaway

One of my favorite conversations in the play Cyrano de Bergerac occurs when the powerful De Guiche taunts the romantic-at-heart Cyrano and calls him a Don Quixote, idiotically picking fights with windmills. De Guiche...

Get Those Guys Reading!

A few weeks ago, I had one of those amazing moments as a teacher when angels sing and the world is, for a few minutes, brighter and cleaner. Let me give you some back story-...

Is Santa Real?

I'm having a serious holiday identity crisis and it's reaching the height of its intensity this week before Christmas. My perceptive three-year-old has been asking a lot of questions about Santa, my Pinterest boards are...

DIY Teacher Thanks {Day 1 of 8 Days of DIY Holiday Gifts}

This weekend, I was working on a list of holiday gifts for people close to us and realized that I have so many people who have made a difference in my children's lives. There's...

Ode to Blackened Turkey

I have my ideal Thanksgiving all plotted out in my head: I'll walk out of my kitchen carrying a 20 pound organic turkey, artfully brined, roasted, and arranged with varietal herbs that I clipped...

Farming Up a Good Time

Well, I've reached another first as a mom. You know, first time baby laughs, first steps, first time kid barfs on you in public, etc. This week's first was my older daughter's first preschool...

To All the Weirdos Out There…

I get more than a little self conscious when I think too hard about my situation: I write for a mom blog, yet I'm not the person who spends most of the day with...

A Race Against the Clock

Most moms I know call the birth of their children the happiest day of their lives- I can't agree more. I met my older daughter on a beautiful, bright morning in the middle of...

Back to School For Parents

Anyone who follows me on Pinterest has probably noticed the glut of classroom-related pins clogging up their feed (sorry!). It's that time of year again- the weeks of nightmares about class, frantic perusals of...

Take a Look- It’s in a Book

Did you just finish the Reading Rainbow theme song? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya? (What the HECK is with the dog turning into the star, BTW?) Well, after having the privilege of fist-bumping LeVar Burton...

Hitting the Road, Young Family Style

It seems like only yesterday that I was able to take a vacation on a moment's notice: throw some stuff in a backpack, fill up the gas tank, hit a Starbucks, and be on...