
Alex was born and raised in Glendale, Arizona and just loves it here! She met her husband when they both were 17 on a blind date and now have the most wonderful, full of energy 1 year old boy! Before having her son, she received her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Arizona Christian University. She was blessed enough to have the opportunity to play on the ACU Women’s Soccer team after she finished playing at Phoenix Community College for a year. Running and exercising are her therapy (along with a cup of coffee or glass of wine here and there ;))! She absolutely loves living life to the fullest and is so excited to be a part of the North Phoenix Mom’s Blog team!

3 Reasons to Ditch the Phrase “New Year, New You”

The phrase "New Year, New You" has always been a popular saying when the calendar rolls around to January. It's a time where people choose to create goals for themselves and take control of...

Kids Stink at Playing

I'm going to be brutally honest are terrible at playing. I was recently subbing for a teacher for an 8th grade PE class and one of the students mentioned that her basketball was...

What I Really Want My Son’s Future Spouse to Know

To my son's future spouse, We haven't met prior to me writing this letter, but there are some things I think we need to discuss. As a mom to two indescribable boys, there has been...

Holiday Wishes for Those Who are Grieving a Loved One

First of all, if you're one of those grieving during this holiday season I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're feelings are filled with wishing those who aren't here anymore were here to see it all,...
positive self image

Creating and Modeling a Positive Self Image for Our Kids

Going from being a college athlete to a mom was a huge shift for me. I lost the competition and began to realize the only competition I had now was myself. I'm hard on...

Defeated by a 2 Year Old… Are Toddlers Really Terrible?

After being smacked in the face by my almost 2 year old when calmly asking him to not play with the trash in the garbage can, I thought to myself, "I don't think I've...

No, I’m not “just a mom.”

I'll never forget how many people asked me when my husband and I made the decision for me to stay home with our boys if I was going to be "just a mom." My...

Potty Training is a Mess

Potty training is a mess. Literally. It's one giant ball of different emotions. It's smelly. It's exhausting. It's sticky. It's absolutely flipping horrible and I've gotta say...I hate it. If I could hire someone...

How to Explain #RedforEd to Your Child

It's no secret that teachers don't make a lot of money. Right now teachers across the nation are making national news with their fight for improvement in different aspects in their career. The hashtag...

Yes, It’s True, Motherhood Made Me a Bad Wife

My husband and I have been together for eight years this year. We will have been married for four. He's been my best friend since we met on that blind date. 17 years old...

How to Have Fun and Cheap Date Nights… at Home with Your Kids

Dating is hard. Dating after you've had kids is even harder. It's a stressful process to get a babysitter, plan dinner and a movie into your budget, and leave the house while you hear...

7 Instant Pot Dinners You Need to Make This Week

The Instant Pot  is one of the most popular cooking tools used in a kitchen. As a working mom, it has been my saving grace on more occasions than I can count. Not only does...

Six Things to Be Truly Thankful For This Holiday Season

Let's get right to it, I am taking a stand this year and ditching the holiday stress, deciding to instead focus on being thankful. With the holidays quickly approaching, stress levels are on the...

Positive body image in front of your children

I've always been a major nudist. I'll skinny dip in the middle of the day and walk around the house in broad daylight without any clothes on at all. I'm not sure why I've...

The Controversy of Spanking: Is it the Right Thing to do?

Spanking has been used as a disciplinary action for children for decades. While some may completely disagree with this type of consequence, there are others who are firm believers in spanking. There have been...

Is Homework the Right Thing to Be Doing?

Homework. We've all dreaded hearing the word come from the mouth of our teachers. Though some loved receiving an assignment that needed to be completed at home, others felt nothing but frustration. Homework is not...

How to Enjoy Being Pregnant at the Beach

Going to the beach is always fun, especially during the hot Arizona summer months!  A few days at the beach is a much-needed retreat from the scorching Phoenix temperatures. There are plenty of activities...

Becoming a Mom … To the Friends Who Didn’t Leave

Getting married and having children at a young age was something I always wanted. We were surrounded by people I love at our wedding with nine bridesmaids, nine groomsmen, and nearly 300 guests. All...

A Mom’s True Thoughts on the DivaCup

The DivaCup may be one of those "crunchy mama" products that makes some people cringe, but to me it's been a HUGE relief! I've been using the Diva Cup for about three years now and...

To the Moms Who Have Felt Like They Were Failing

I remember the first time I felt like I was failing at being a mom. My son was 3 days old. We went in for his first check up and the doctor gave me the awful...

Let’s Talk About Sex… After the Baby.

After squeezing a tiny human out of what you used to recognize as your vagina, it's tough for you to even begin to imagine intimacy. The "honeymoon phase" of sex after marriage is all about...

How to do a Mental Detox for 2017

There are several memes going viral about how awful 2016 has been and how ready everyone is for 2017 to start. I think most people would agree that even if it wasn't a bad year for...

5 Wonderful Recipes That Will Rock the Crock-Pot

I'm a terrible cook. No, seriously...when my husband and I were first married, cereal and grilled cheese were a staple in the house. Being a new wife while playing college soccer, finishing my final...

12 of the Best Christmas Cookies, Desserts and Treats

My Aunt Thelma was the world's best baker. Seriously. My cousins and I would go over to her little condo each year and play with her dogs while she mixed the dough for the...

Islands: One of the Best Restaurants for Food, Family and Football

My family and I recently had the pleasure of visiting Islands at Desert Ridge on a Sunday, for some football.  Unlike most, I shockingly don't typically care for burgers but it is absolutely safe to say...