
Born and raised in Phoenix, Felicia married her high school sweetheart and became a mother to a beautiful baby girl in March of 2016. An experienced educator, she graduated from Arizona State University with a B.A. in Elementary Education, a M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction: Language and Literacy and spent seven incredible years teaching in the heart of South Phoenix. Known to be a total sap, Felicia has no shame in admitting that she cries at just about anything: movies, sentimental commercials, and yes, even sporting events when she is overcome with happiness for a complete stranger’s accomplishments. She’s a serial creator, constantly dreaming up new ideas and ventures. Exploring the outdoors is a family value, so you may find her and the family hiking local trails, planning adventures, and soaking in the sunshine while the weather is still cool. When she’s not relishing in family time, you can catch her teaching Literacy for Littles at Modern Milk.

How to Have A “Cool” Birthday Party Outside in the Summer!

Summer is upon us and if you’re like me, the thought and reality of triple digit temperatures makes you want to escape to a cool, dark place until it’s over (see you in October!)....
parent with anxiety

What It’s Like to Be a Parent with Anxiety

The other night in the middle of dinner, I had a breakdown. I had been feeling it coming on for a few days, but tried to push it aside... that is until I couldn’t...

How to Raise a Strong, Independent Daughter

Raising children is no easy feat. Sure, it’s been done for generations ... but when you think about how this little human is going to learn how to be a good human from you...

A Heartfelt Letter to Soon-To-Be Moms

Dear Soon-to-be Moms, As you prepare to meet the little one you’ve come to know so well inside your womb, I know you’re feeling a combination of excitement, worry, unpreparedness, and anticipation. The truth is,...

A New Spin on Gratitude for People in Your Life: Don’t Wait!

It recently occurred to me that in general practice, we don’t often take the time to tell someone how amazing we think they are until it’s too late, if at all. It seems that...

Beyond Photoshop: Talking to Kids About Beauty Standards

Raising a daughter in this day and age is invigorating as much as it is terrifying. We’re in the midst of a female revolution. Women are choosing to set their own beauty standards and...
I found myself in motherhood

I Found Myself in Motherhood

In March of 2016, I had my daughter and, after plenty of soul-searching ultimately decided to leave my job in Education (for at least one year) and become a stay-at-home-mom. You can read about...

The Struggle of Choosing to be a Stay at Home Mom

Before I had my daughter, it never even crossed my mind that I would be a stay at home mom. I loved the work I did, and financially, it always seemed to make the most...

6 Amazing Ways Millennials Are Really Rocking Parenthood

Millennials. We’re on the receiving end of a lot of criticism these days. Every time you turn around there’s another meme or video poking fun at the “me me me” generation. Sometimes I even...

Why I Really Want a Mom Tribe Like Yours

I’m going to just come right out and say it: I’m jealous of your mom tribe. You know, that group of ridiculously fearless, strong, beautiful mamas you have play dates, group messages, and adorable family...

Medical History Freebie

As mothers, we do some pretty incredible things; but perhaps nothing is quite as impressive as the mental load we carry. We coordinate appointments, manage medications, plan schedules, recall addresses, phone numbers, friends’ names,...

Are You Really Taking the Time for Meaningful Self-Care?

Self-care is a trending topic amongst women, particularly mothers, right now. It’s common to see friends and fellow mamas post images of their spa day or shopping spree in the name of #selfcare. On...

It’s Time for Better. Ending Parenting Double Standards.

There we were, sitting alone in a restaurant, laughing our heads off and playing with toys. We ate, smiled, and just enjoyed the one-on-one time. I was pretty oblivious to the looks we’d been...

Celebrate Black History Month with these Children’s Books

February is Black History Month; a time to celebrate the achievements of African Americans, their impact on American history, and to educate our children about racism, discrimination, and bias. This month’s book round up focuses...

Moms, You Need to Read This on a Bad Day

As I write this with bloodshot eyes, my head is pulsing, I'm unable to focus on the work I need to get done (are the lights shining directly on me in this room?)… and...

DIY: How to Make An Activity Table

Is your little one in desperate need of their own “space” to draw, play, or even snack? Maybe you’re on a strict budget so one of those completely adorable toddler activity tables from the...

15 Ways Motherhood Has Made Me A Bad Person

Sometimes being a bad person, can feel so right. I recently published a blog about the 15 ways motherhood has made me a better person, but let’s be honest – motherhood doesn’t only bring...

15 Ways Motherhood Has Made Me A Better Person

We focus a lot on the ways that motherhood changes us. In particular, we tend to talk about the challenges we face or how our lives are no longer just “ours” and how little...

To My Baby Who Is No Longer A Baby

Where once a baby lay, now a toddler stands... This afternoon as you awoke from your nap, still half-asleep, you sat your precious little body next to mine on the couch; and as you...

5 Children’s Books That Will Help with Emotional Intelligence

I recently wrote a piece about the importance of validating children’s feelings in some of the most difficult moments. I truly believe emotional intelligence is one of the most important characteristics humans can possess,...

Parenting Advice, Is It Best to Speak up or Stay Out?

I follow a mom on Instagram who recently lost her young baby to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It was a complete and total tragedy, but one that plagues the mind with endless questions of...

Why I Validate My Child’s Feelings… No Matter What

This morning a little boy hit my daughter on the head. Hard. And on purpose.  I paused when it happened to see what she'd do so that I didn't overreact and cause her to get...

A Reflection of Love in a Letter to all Dads on Father’s Day

This one is for all the fathers out there. Whether you're the husband, the partner, the adopter, the co-parent, the step-dad, the acting dad, the single dad, the mom-as-dad, or anything in between: we...

As a Mother I Will Choose to Focus on Grace over Guilt

She needs a hat!” I can still remember the woman last October who yelled at my husband and me as we walked past her with our baby. Our daughter was 7 months old at the...

Dear Postpartum Mom, I See You and You Are Beautiful.

Dear Postpartum Mom, I see you. You are beautiful. I know it’s hard to step on the scale. You may not like the number staring back at you. You may fixate on it. You may shed...