
Lori is an Arizona native, a wife, mother of five, and most recently…a grandmother! She and her husband love traveling through wine country in Arizona and California, and one day hope to open a their own winery. Currently employed as the statewide fundraising manager for MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), Lori and her family enjoy volunteering together, and she hopes to highlight many opportunities for North Phoenix Moms and their families to do the same.

The Power of Parents – Underage Drinking

Talking to Your Teen about Underage Drinking Guest Post by Halley McIntyre - Program Manager at Mothers Against Drunk Driving Arizona An ounce of preparation, as Ben Franklin so wisely noted, truly is worth a pound...

Fundraiser: Walk 4 Water

It’s getting hotter every day here in Phoenix…90s already? How did that happen? Makes me thirsty just thinking about the dry heat jokes that are about to become a daily occurrence.  Thankfully, I only...

Phoenix Rescue Mission // Community Easter Event

Hippity hop, hippity hop, Easter is on its way… EARLY!  Yes, Easter comes early in 2016, and even earlier to Phoenix Rescue Mission, which will be holding their Community Easter Event on March 19,...

Fundraiser: Hearts 4 Clubs Charity Casino Night

One of my favorite Frank Sinatra tunes is "Luck, Be a Lady Tonight," and I'll surely be humming that on Friday. Why, do you ask? Well, because I'll be attending the Hearts 4 Clubs...

VOLUNTEER: Frozen Turkey Sunday

Ahhhhhhhhh...Thanksgiving.  Everybody's favorite holiday, right?  The food, the family--and no presents to buy! Although some whippersnappers are trying things like duck and tofurkey as alternatives to the traditional bird, pretty much everyone knows that Thanksgiving...


"Oh, the thinks you can think!" That must have been the motivation for combining 10+ favorite Dr. Seuss books into a fantastical, magical, musical extravaganza called Seussical!  With the Cat in the Hat as your host...

Nighttime Family Fun: Foam Glow 5K

I'm back, with another way for families to have fun and give back to their communities! Foam Glow 5K is a nighttime fun run that all ages can enjoy.  Dressed in everything from a t-shirt...

Turn Hunger Into Hope With Your Own Two Hands

Hello, Good Neighbors!  I have another wonderful family-friendly volunteer opportunity for you! Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is...

Walk Like MADD: The Mother of all 5Ks!

Hi folks, Lori here, with another volunteer/do-good opportunity for families of all ages! We've all seen the  increase in alcohol-related crashes around the Valley.  It is said that on average, 2 out of every 3...

VOLUNTEER: Help the Homeless at Cardboard City

I love volunteering! There are so many worthy organizations in need of our time and talent, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by it all. And then there’s the age-old question of “What do I...