
Renae is a native Phoenician and mom to three super cute kids, Connor, Noah, and Audrey! She fell hopelessly in love with her husband while working as a nurse's assistant in the hospital. She now has a busy life as a stay-at-home mommy!  When not helping with homework, making lunches, or changing diapers, she finds time to post on her blog, This Familee; her blog includes information on all her favorite things and busy mommy adventures. She enjoys iced vanilla lattes, diet coke, and the occasional double-stuffed oreo. She also loves spending time with her church family where she stays busy leading the nursery team and supporting lots of young, new mothers. She is passionate about breastfeeding and empowering new mothers to overcome all obstacles life throws their way.

The Best Ways to Manage Postpartum Hair Loss

Having a baby is a really beautiful journey. From hearing the heartbeat for the first time to finally holding your beautiful baby after nine long months, it's magical. But then, the baby is born and we...
help your child learn to read

6 Easy Things You Can Do to Help Your Child Learn to Read

Learning how to read is a really exciting time for children and parents. Although most children start to learn how to read in elementary school, there are several pre-reading skills that they will need...

Baby Items You Can’t Live Without

Having a new baby is such an exciting time. I remember spending hours dreaming about finally holding my baby after 9 months of pregnancy. I probably spent just as much time researching exactly what...

3 Easy Ways to Make Your Child Feel Special on Their Birthday

We are just wrapping up 4 birthdays at our house and I am exhausted! Planning a party, scheduling a family dinner, and searching for the perfect birthday present is a little stressful for this...

What Should Children Call Their Private Parts?

A few months ago I got into a friendly debate with another mom about why I feel it's important to teach my boys that they have a penis and not a "wee-wee." After talking...

How to Make Cloud Sand for the Best Sensory Play

Sensory play for preschoolers is fun and incredibly beneficial. It's something parents (or caregivers) and children can enjoy together. Sensory play involves the use of the five senses. To babies and toddlers, sensory play comes...

A List of the Best Board Games for Family Game Night

If your house is anything like mine, you're busy. Between work, school, kids, after-school activities and just life, WE ARE BUSY! Sometimes, I go to bed at night wondering how the entire day went by...

Reading Aloud is Simple, and SO Important!

Did you know that March is National Reading Awareness Month? The need for a national campaign encouraging parents to read aloud to their children each day is necessary, as 1 in 3 students get to...

5 Effective, Easy Ways to Manage the Morning Chaos

If your house is anything like mine, getting out the door in the morning can be a challenge! Running around making sure all 3 kids are fed, dressed and in the car on time...