
Molly, a professional writer and editor with 20 years of experience, has been obsessed with the written word since she learned to hold a pen. From interviewing longtime U.S. Senator John McCain to eating lavish eight-course meals in the name of research, she covers topics across the board and tackles each one with passion and enthusiasm (especially the food-related ones!)  Molly and her husband of 15 years have two children, Jimmy and Saylor. Together they cook, eat, travel, play and try to make the most of every single day. While teetering between being relentlessly exhausted and tirelessly energetic, Molly's life motto is "lead with love." Follow her on Instagram (@azgypsymama) for food and travel pics, plus random quotes that range from inspirational to the occasional whiskey-fueled enlightenment.
lunch prep

Five Back to School Sanity Savers for the Morning Routine

Um, excuse me? How did summer fly by already? Back-to-school time is always bittersweet for me. It’s a twisted combination of “Yes! Now I can get back to our regularly scheduled life” and “Nooooooo!!!...
type a mom

We Don’t All Really Need to Be Type A Moms

We all have that Type A friend in our life — the one who maybe just maybe has a color-coded calendar for her kids’ activities, her meetings, her husband's appointments, and she's never late...
The mental load in motherhood

The Mother Load: The Weight of the Mental Load in Motherhood

Recently, I’ve read and heard a lot about the mental load — you know, that invisible 300-pound weight mothers tend to carry around in their heads. Regardless of how we split up or divide...

Why Every Mom Needs a Tribe

Tribe may be a buzzword these days, but I highly condone its overuse because of its importance to me. Moms and women in general need a "tribe" — a group of close friends that...

Why the Birth of my Son was the Death of Me

I never expected to be the kind of mom I turned out to be. In fact, I never really dreamed of being a mom at all. I had my career and I loved it...

10 Important Life Lessons I Learned from My Mom

With Mother’s Day fast approaching, I wanted to take a moment to recognize all those hard-working, hard-loving moms out there that give their all on the daily. But most of all, on this day,...

Why I Really Was Truly Excited to Turn 40

I have a new favorite "F" word... it's 40. Fierce, feisty, fabulous 40. I enjoyed this milestone in mid-air en route to Sydney, Australia with my family late last year, and since then I've...

10 of the Best Easter Gifts for Kids that are Not Candy

It seems that more and more, holidays have become an excuse to pump our littles with presents and sweets in the name of Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. Between school parties and themed candies...

A List of the Best Parks in Phoenix

Moms, March is primed for us! The kiddos are either on spring break or about to be and, oh my, is the valley weather ever in our favor! Heading to a park is a...

3 Uplifting and Inspiring Books Every Mom Should Read

Prior to motherhood, I was a voracious reader. But more often than not over the last 10 years, the books I’ve been reading have been my kids’ choice, not mine. Reading to my children...