Prior to motherhood, I was a voracious reader. But more often than not over the last 10 years, the books I’ve been reading have been my kids’ choice, not mine. Reading to my children and fostering their love of reading is one of my greatest joys (my youngest is eight and can read Harry Potter books, but still begs me to read her longtime favorites like Susan Boynton’s The Going to Bed Book). However, I miss reading my own genres, too. Stay with me here…
About three months ago, I noticed that lifestyle mogul, owner of and author, Rachel Hollis, one of my Instagram idols (take a moment to go follow her, then jump back in… you’re welcome), was making a tour stop in the valley for her new book Girl, Wash Your Face. Click. Tickets bought. We’re going. (“We” meaning my sister and I. I drag her on my escapades from time to time. She’s usually willing.) Fast-forward to the night of the event. Never mind that it was in the East Valley, which might as well be New Mexico during rush hour and work just happened to be a bit crazy that day — go figure. No matter, we’re going. I’m so glad we did because Rachel took time to personally chat with and individually inspire every single woman and/or mother in the room that night. We hugged. We took selfies. She signed my book (eeek!). And she imparted upon us, no she practically begged each and every one of us, to push ourselves past what we think we are capable of to discover our best selves and enjoy our lives now and in the futures we aspire to. There might have been tears.
I went home and devoured her book… And it led me to more. Here are my top three recent reads that I’d recommend to women and mothers at any stage in life that need a little lift-me-up.
Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis — Her book is set up in chapters of various “lies” women and mothers have been told or that they tell themselves (i.e. “The Lie: Something Else Will Make Me Happy;” “The Lie: I’m Not a Good Mom;” and, my personal favorite, “The Lie: I’m Not Good Enough”). She breaks it down, sharing personal stories and also real-life solutions that worked for her… and can work for most women out there.
Of Mess and Moxie by Jen Hatmaker — I learned of Jen’s writings through Rachel’s and just adore her wit. She is authentic, funny, and sassy and I want to have cocktails with her. She tells tales of her own “failures” or struggles along the way to success in the form of her career, motherhood and life in general. Fun tip: She also shares some recipes, too, which I cannot wait to try. (One includes ramen noodles in a salad — sold.)
Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley — I bought this one solely because it’s pretty. The cover is bold pink and classic gold… and has a pineapple emblem on it. Ring it up, Target. Turns out, this author has some pretty good advice within the pages of this beautifully bound book. She, like Rachel and Jen, is both a business owner and a mother, and has fought her own struggles with wanting it all, getting it all and balancing it all (sound familiar?). Her angle focused on striving to achieve a simple approach to every aspect of our scattered chaotic lives (starting with easy things like cleaning out that junk drawer!).
The themes and advice in each of these books are similar, yet delivered in very different ways so I enjoyed each of them thoroughly. And while I have yet to put any of these directives into my own daily chaotic yet beautiful life, I know that I will and I can because they are achievable steps that every mom and woman can modify specifically for their own daily lives.
What books are you reading right now and where do you find your mom motivation/mojo?
Great list!!
Thank you, Jen! 🙂