
Lindsey is mom to an adorable and precocious little girl born in February 2015 after a long and difficult struggle with infertility. It was a painful journey to motherhood, but in the end, it was all more than worth it. Originally from Minnesota, Lindsey moved to Phoenix in 2004 and met her now husband within a month. Needless to say, she was swept off her feet. 13 years, four homes and several jobs later, they are loving life as parents while laughing through the madness that it brings. She is happiest when her love of food, drinks and fun meet with her passion for fitness and wellness to create a balanced and active life. Her family and friends are the center of her world and that includes a lovable golden retriever Leinie, a dog who (literally) wears many hats. Connect with Lindsey on Facebook and Instagram and follow her here to laugh along!

DIY :: 4th of July Shirts

(Originally published in 2016) The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. Spending time with family, BBQs, being on the lake and sparklers! I’ve lived in AZ for 12 years now...

Welcome to the Sisterhood of Infertility

If you’re reading this, let me start off by saying I am sorry. I am sorry you saw the title of this post and it resonated with you and made you click. I’m sorry...
citrus surplus

Citrus Surplus? No problem!

One of my favorite things about living in Arizona is the beautiful “winter” weather we have here and all the fresh fruit we get from our family's citrus trees during the season. We almost...
Kitchen Command Center

How to Make Your Own Kitchen Command Center

I've always been a fan of planning and organization so when I stumbled across "Kitchen Command Centers" on Pinterest, I almost fell out of my chair. It was like the mother ship was calling me...
toddler activities

When You Need Toddler Activities on a Budget

When I was pregnant I spent an embarrassing amount of time reading through endless baby product reviews to find the best, most educational, highest rated, eco-friendly, organic toddler activities, you get the picture. I’m...

The Best List of 4th of July Fun and Fireworks in all of Arizona

I grew up in Minnesota where the 4th of July is right in the middle of the best season - SUMMER, so it was always one of my favorite holidays. Fast forward to now, where...

Meal Planning Made Easy :: One Month of Family Approved Recipes

I recently embarked on a DIY adventure to create a functional and decorative Command Center for my kitchen. As I was working on it, I realized I wanted to revamp my meal planning process too! I'm...

Make Time for You and Your Health at the Yoga Hangout

The Yoga Hangout Yoga. I'm already rocking the pants on a regular basis, so might as well actually take a class, right? Okay, I have done yoga in the past but it's been a while. It...

A Cocktail Guide That Will Help You Make it Through the Holidays

Okay, so we’ve handed out our Halloween candy, jumped on the #pumpkinspiceeverything train, feasted on turkey and all the accompanying carbs… that means we are officially in the throes of the holiday season. Things...

Win tickets to the SEA LIFE Aquarium in Phoenix!

When I was in high school, I worked at an aquarium in the Mall of America in Minnesota (it was called Underwater World then but I think they’ve changed the name since I worked there ... it...

Puppy Love: Introducing Your Fur Baby To Your New Baby

Love at furst sight We got our dog the week before our wedding ... obviously we weren’t thinking very clearly! We had been wanting a dog for a few years and when we saw her,...

Parenting and the Juxtaposition of It All

 jux·ta·po·si·tion jəkstəpəˈziSH(ə)n/ noun the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. Thank you :) Is it just me or is parenting basically a wonderful, exhausting game of checks and balances?  Constantly juggling...

Selling Your Home (With a Toddler?!)

When selling your home, put on your big girls pants, and buckle up!  Prepare for your privacy to be invaded and to be judged for every. little. thing. “That couch is ugly.” - You were...

New “Mom-isms”

Our little girl turned one a couple months ago and I’m having a hard time figuring out where that year went! I must have blinked. It took us a few years to have our daughter,...

Living that #ShiptLife: Grocery Delivery

North Phoenix Moms Blog is proud to partner with Shipt to bring our readers great information about grocery delivery in Phoenix.  Confession time, I actually like to cook. Phew, there, I said it. But I...

Not Your Mama’s Jazzercise – Stroller Strides!

When I first heard of Stroller Strides, I thought “Oh, how cute, a group of moms chit-chatting about babies while doing some stroller lunges.” However, when I actually joined one of their workouts I...

All I want for Christmas is to hear my daughter say “Mama”

When I told people I was pregnant, they started calling me mom, mama, mommy right away. I didn’t know how to respond, we had been trying for a long time and I still didn’t...