
Lauren is a police wife, a mother of three, and an Arizona native. She loves binge watching any movie or show that stars Chris Pratt (Parks and Rec, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc.), obsessing over the cleanliness of her kitchen, and photographing pregnancy bumps and fresh new babies. Her guilty pleasures are The Bachelor/Bachelorette/BIP and Costco's chocolate covered almonds.
fitness routine

Getting Back Into a Fitness Routine When It’s Been… Awhile

I can remember the last time I exercised regularly and had a solid fitness routine… it was about eight years ago (pre-kids.) Once the third baby came (not to mention the extra pounds from...
confidence in motherhood

Confidence in Motherhood: 5 Things that Helped in Baby’s First Year

Whether you’re gearing up for your first baby… or your onto your second or third, it’s easy to feel like you have no clue what you are doing through the first year. And that’s...
accepting help

Letting Go of Perfection and Accepting Help

Have you ever been cleaning the kitchen after a long day and just glaring at your husband who's lounging on the couch catching up on his favorite show? That was me. Every evening, I...
mom guilt school lunch

Mom Guilt: School Lunch Edition

As a full-time wife, homemaker, and mother of three, and a part-time photographer and blogger, I have a lot on my plate. I try really really hard to do it all. But sometimes I...

5 Ways to Show Appreciation for Your Family Photographer

The holiday season has come and gone. I bet there’s a good chance you hired a photographer within the last few months to capture your family for holiday cards. Am I right? Fall is busy...
meet mom friends

5 Places to Meet Mom Friends

If you missed my first list, you can read about seven places to meet mom friends here. I’m back with five more places to meet mom friends, because we all know that motherhood can be...

Top 4 Places to Enjoy the Weather (without leaving the valley)

Oh, hello Fall. We are all so happy to see you again! We can finally carry all the kids through the grocery store parking lot without working up a sweat. And we can send...