
Jessie is the proud mama of two little loves, Reese (born 2009) and Brooks (born 2011). She is fortunate enough to share her life’s adventures with her husband (and high school sweetheart) Todd to whom she has been married since 2004. Although she and her husband have lived all over the West Coast, Arizona is home and she can’t imagine leaving the warm Arizona sunshine anytime soon! A proud University of Arizona Alumni, Jessie spent her pre-kiddo years as a corporate recruiter and trainer. When she is not taking her kiddos to the park or exploring the many cool things the Valley has for families, Jessie is running her natural baby food business, At First Bite, and blogging about the many adventures of parenthood on her blog, At First Bite – Peas. Love. Yumminess.
controlling mom

The Plight of the (ever so slightly) Controlling Mama

Six and a half years into this gig, and the moment this controlling mama has been dreading all along has come... My baby girl (because really, she is still a baby right??), has discovered the...

For My Daughter, You Are Too Young To Know What Love Is.

Dear Love Bug (ironic considering the topic of this letter...), Just a few day ago I had the good fortune of being one of the parents in attendance at your 1st grade Valentine's Day party!...

Family Friendly New Years Eve at the Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak

It has officially been 7 years since this girl has been "out" on New Years Eve.....but this is the year that streak will be broken!! Sure, the hubs and I have sat on the couch...

Fall in Phoenix… is that a thing?

It's that time of year....the crisp coolness of fall is in the air, the leaves are changing colors and crunching beneath our feet, and the comfy cozy sweaters and stylish boots are beckoning... Oh....wait.....that is...

I Said “No”…..And The World Kept Spinning

I have an illness. I am not sure what it is called or if it is clinically recognized by the American Medical Association, but it seems to be a chronic condition that I just...

Being Selfish Makes Me A Better Mom: Why I Recharge My Batteries

Riddle me this, mamas..... How is it that every electronic device we use these days has an indicator of battery charge level? It goes from full to empty, green to red, 100% to 0%. But...

Why It’s Important to Talk to Our Children Like They Are Adults

Always tell the truth. That is what we tell our kiddos isn't it? Be honest and open and don't lie. Lies hurt people....sometimes lies hurt ourselves.  So why is it that so often a...

Tips to Surviving 80 Days of Summer Break

Well, the inevitable has happened. The long, hot days of summer have arrived in the desert. The last month was uncharacteristically kind to us desert much so in fact, that perhaps, we were...

The Day My Kindergartener Left Me Behind

Just a few weeks ago, my almost 6 year old finally hit the magical 40 pound mark. In her beautiful little mind, this was the equivalent of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Tears...

To Camp or Not to Camp: Stories from a “Kind-Of a Camper” Mom

I can remember it very first, and one of very few, camping trips with my family. I was about 12 years old, and my big sister had just started her Freshman year at...

When Did It Become An Insult To Do Something “Like a Girl”?

During the most recent Super Bowl, many of the multi-million dollar campaign spots went to the usual suspects....the snack foods, the adult beverages, the soda pop, the feminine hygiene products.....wait, WHAT?!?!? Now that was...

Dating at the Age of 3

My husband and I made the decision that we would allow our daughter to start dating at the age of 3. A bit unconventional? That's putting it gently. And get this, super protective dad...

Baby Food to Baby Foodies: Encouraging Your Child To Try New Foods

My daughter, my first born, did not get her first tooth until she was 16 months old. As much as I adored that pink gummy smile, at some point, I was pretty certain I...

Christmas Through Their Eyes…..

Here we are once again....the stockings are hung, the Pinterest inspired cookies have been made, ugly sweaters have been donned, the elf has been "shelved" just about 873 times, and you have officially sung...

Our Top Holiday “Snuggle Time” Books

Tis the season for crazy schedules, jam packed weekends, and To-Do checklists a mile long. Busy mamas know that the stress of the season can easily take over if we allow it to. But...

Top 10 Things This Mama Is Thankful For….

Tis the day we give Thanks for all of the things in our lives that make it better. The little things and the big ones. The ones that are celebrated on Hallmark cards, and...

When I Grow Up, I Want To Be My 5 Year Old

When I was a child, there were so many things I wanted to be when I grew up. A veterinarian, a professional soccer player, a marine biologist, a garbage man (yes....that's right.....a garbage man,...

My First Baby Had a Tail….And 4 Legs….

Before I had my children swirling around my feet as I attempted to cook dinner....or make a phone call...or go to the bathroom, before I spent many, MANY, meals attempting to feed my children...

Ending the Mommy Wars: To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

As I write this, I feel as though I need to tag this post with some sort of a disclaimer...which is troubling really since this series is all about increasing acceptance and judging less....

Favorite Things Party… and GIVEAWAY

Maybe it is raindrops on roses. Or perhaps whiskers on kittens. Whatever your fancy, we all have everyday items that we love, use, and cannot live without. They may be items that we don't...

Ending the Mommy Wars: Sleep Training! Baby Lead vs. “Cry it Out”

Ask any mom, and she will tell you, the sound of her baby's voice is the sweetest symphony one can hear. The coos, the giggles, the incomprehensible babble....all of it, pure poetry. But despite...

Ending the Mommy Wars: Natural Childbirth vs. Epidural Childbirth

  When it comes to childbirth, one thing that we can all agree on, is that it is an intensely personal experience (in more ways than one). Additionally, we all know that there is absolutely...

The School Days Are Here….

Looking back upon my first year as a mama, I remember so eagerly anticipating those major milestone events.....first time rolling over, first words, first know, the ones you obsess over, compare with your...

Ending the Mommy Wars: We send our kids to pre-school and we teach them...

As a mama of a freshly-minted five year old who is eagerly counting down the days until her first day of Kindergarten, I can speak from experience when I say that the school-days roll...

Small Town AZ 4th of July Celebrations

I admit it....I love suburbia. The perfect combination of community, recreation, and retail with the convenience of being adjacent to a big city such as Phoenix. The Valley of the Sun is chock full...