
Haley is an Arizona transplant who moved here from San Diego 12 years ago. She married her husband Nick in 2013 and they welcomed their son Emerson in December two years later. After the birth of their son Haley decided to leave her corporate job in order to stay home and spend more time with her family; a family that seems to be growing since a puppy, Nala, joined the crew in October and a baby girl is expected to make her debut in the summer of 2017. If Haley's not watching HGTV or running after an active toddler there is a good chance she's at Spotlight Youth Theater a local non-profit where she teaches dance. She also has a personal blog The Business of Blonde, where she documents her life and covers everything from getting out to debt to organizing her closet.

One Amazing Piece of Marriage Advice

Right after I married my husband I got the same piece of marriage advice from multiple friends and family members...  Wait a little why to start having kids."  At the time I was a little annoyed....

8 Things That I Would NEVER Do with My Kids

We all had that moment before we were parents - sitting in a restaurant or doctor's office silently judging parents whose kids were having a tantrum or playing on an iPad. In our minds...
on year

The One-Year Rule

The doctor said it would take six weeks for my body to heal after having a baby. My work told me that after 12 weeks (unpaid) I would be ready to return to come...

How to Create a Magical Christmas on a Budget

Everywhere you look  the "Christmas Creep" is happening. Holiday music is hitting the radio, decorations are going up and stores are all in full-blown Christmas mode. The holidays, and related expenses, are approaching whether...

Honest Confessions From One Mom to Another

We all make mistakes as moms or do things we're not proud of. It's so important to stick together and be honest with each other. I'm taking this post to do just that with...

How to Live on One Income

When my husband and I found out we were expecting a baby, our first conversation revolved around the possibility of me staying home, meaning we would be living as a single income family. We...

Never, in a Million Years, Did I Think I Would be a Minivan Mom

I spent a lot of time thinking about my future when I was growing up. It always included a husband, kids, a house and definitely NOT a minivan. There was no way someone as cool...

Quick, Easy, and Effective Meal Planning Tips

We got hit hard this season with colds and sinus infections, but we’re finally all mended. Does anyone else feel like they get energy or perspective after a sickness? It’s like you forget what...

Do I Really Miss Pregnancy and All That Comes With It?

With a two year old and a seven month old I’d say I’ve experienced enough pregnancy for a lifetime. I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas pregnant two years in a row ... something I probably...

When You Lie to Your Pediatrician

I just want to start this post by saying I love my pediatrician. I’ve known her over ten years and trust her with my kids' lives (literally.) But, loving someone doesn’t mean you’re always...

The Benefits of Parenting in a Digital World

The internet and social media are pretty unavoidable at this point. Day after day I read articles about how hard it is to parent with people watching your every move, (ie on social media),...

Me Too… The Movement Finally Being Seen Thanks to Social Media

The "Me Too" movement has quickly taken over most social media platforms. For those of you who are not yet familiar, it’s encouraging women who have been sexually harassed or abused to post the...

What NOT to do When Tragedy Strikes

During a midnight nursing session I lazily scrolled Facebook until I saw a post that caught my eye. “Pray for Vegas” was all it said, but I knew right away it was bad, a...

Do You Mommy Shame… No, Really, Do You?

Mommy shame. It’s been around since the beginning of time, and will probably be around until the end of time. Being a "good mom," I’ve always considered myself someone who would not mommy shame....

Talking to Our Children When Hate Is in the Headlines

This week has not been an easy one for people living in the United States. Regardless of political affiliation, religious beliefs or social background we’ve all come face to face with a very real...

Packing for the Hospital: What Do You REALLY Need?

Packing for the hospital is so exciting and means your bundle of joy is almost here. For someone as high strung as me this meant list after list and packing weeks in advance. After...

How to Survive and Love your Family Photos

Family photos and I have a love/ hate relationship. I love getting the family all dressed up, I love having pictures to hang on my wall, and I love creating lasting memories. What do...

The Truth About “My Perfect Instagram Feed”

The truth is my Instagram account is something I am proud of. I love scrolling through my pictures and seeing special moments I get to treasure forever. It’s full of specially curated images that...

A Complete Guide to Summer Survival in Phoenix

This will be my 13th summer living in Phoenix and my 2nd summer in the Valley of the Sun with kids. Although it’s never easy, we always find a way to survive and make...

How to Financially Prepare for College for Your Child

Sending your child off to college is scary enough, but add in tens of thousands of dollars in debt and a 30-year repayment term, and it's downright terrifying. My hope is that these tips...