
Elisa is a native Arizonan by birth and a Seattleite by heart. She is a wise, spirited woman who loves feeling the sun on her face, but also enjoys cold rainy days, complete with a cup of coffee and a good book or conversation. After graduating with a Masters in Counseling Psychology and seeing clients for a time, she took a hiatus to love on, play with, and offer copious amounts of hugs to our little girls, Malia and Jayden. She is now back working at Socorro Counseling and Consulting in Downtown Phoenix. Unafraid to laugh at herself and able to see the beauty in others, she makes everyone feel at ease, making her a genuine friend, therapist, and wife. Give her a cute pattern and a sewing machine or some spray paint and a piece of furniture and they are surely to be transformed into some warm piece of art that brightens our living space. She also finds creativity in cooking, making household cleaners, and anything Pinterest. In short, Elisa is stylish, wise, thoughtful, creative woman who makes everyone around her a better person, including her husband (who wrote this bio).

Dear Daughter

Tears well in my eyes as I glance into your room and find you asleep, half on & half off your bed, in your usual nap position. It all began with an hour and...

Cooking Club

Have you ever belonged to a dinner or cooking club? There are so many variations to this idea. My favorite experience was with some friends in Seattle. There were several couples that got together...

Arrowhead Towne Center Playdate

This week's Playdate. Well, we've been slacking in the playdate arena this past month. Between vacations and school starting back up the weeks have just flown by and here we are mid September already. Please...

Happy Labor Day!

Today is Labor Day. Labor day became a nationally recognized holiday in 1894. It is a day that strives to honor and pay tribute to the achievements of American workers. I remember loving Labor...

At First Bite {Guest Post}

Today we have a guest post from one of our wonderful sponsors, At First Bite. I just love Jessica's enthusiasm and creativity to fill our little loves' bellies with wholesomeness... Peas. Love. Yumminess. These are...

Neighborhood Highlight #2 – PoPo’s Fiesta Del Sol

I’m back to share about another family favorite restaurant. My family started going to PoPo’s when I was a small child. We went to the original location on 67th Ave & Indian School several...

WVMB Playdate this week – Playgrounds Fun Zone and Cafe

Come join us for another play date at Playgrounds Fun Zone and Cafe this Wednesday, August 22nd from 9-11:30. We look forward to seeing you mamas and your kids. Don't forget socks for your little ones....

Struggling for Glory

I was due with my second child the day this blog was launched (10 weeks ago to be exact). Honestly, I anticipated this second birth with a good bit of fear and trepidation. My...

Neighborhood Highlight #1 – Pinnacle Peak Patio

We are starting a new on-going series entitled Neighborhood Highlights. We will be featuring different restaurants, boutiques, parks, coffee joints, ice cream shops, date locations, and more. We hope to introduce you to some...

The Ebb and Flow of Parenting

After living a very full and memorable 5 years in Seattle, WA we moved back to Phoenix to experience the hottest August on record last year. Most days, I miss that green, wet, angsty,...

Going Green – Citrus Infused Vinegar & Homemade Disinfecting Wipes

This past year I have become more aware of how many chemicals fill our foods, our skin care products, and our cleaning products. I haven’t purged our house and lives of everything, but slowly...

Coffee. Moms connecting. Kids playing – This Thursday

Come join us at Playgrounds Fun Zone and Cafe this Thursday from 9-11:30. Only $5 for WVMB! (Normal price $8). Make sure you mention the blog and use the sign-in sheet to get the...

Rio Vista Splash Pad Playdate

100° is hot. Come and let your kids play at the Rio Vista Community Park Splash Pad this Thursday, June 14th at 9:00am. We'll try and stay cool in the shade as the kids...

What’s In a Name?

I sit here writing, 3 days until “due date” with my second daughter, and wonder: Who will this little girl be? What will she love? What will she look like? What will make her...