
Courtney is a wife to her college sweetheart, momma to a toddler girl and baby boy, and keeper of 2 dogs. She has her Masters degree in Elementary Education but decided once her first child was here that staying home instead of teaching was the best decision for her family. Having moved to southern Arizona from Massachusetts at a young age, she pretty much considers herself an Arizona native and loves getting out, seeing the beautiful desert sights, and being active whenever possible. She and her hubby are Sun Devil fans through and through and have a dream to retire and drive an RV around the country following their football team. When she’s not drinking coffee or taking care of her kiddos, you can find her scrapbooking, working on a DIY craft for the house, or organizing. For more posts by Courtney, head on over to her personal blog Glitter & Goldfish.

You Are Going to Love These Quick and Easy Halloween Cookies

Between working, both kids feeling under the weather, teething, laundry, marriage, friendships, and you know… life… sometimes it’s hard to find the time to get certain things done—like baking cookies. I love baking and...

The Return to Work After Baby

Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. I remember lining up my stuffed animals as a young girl to "teach" them whatever lesson I had planned. I would read them...

How You Can Spring Clean Your Mind and Attitude

March in Phoenix is truly a little slice of heaven. The weather is gorgeous - sunshine for days but chilly enough for a light sweater at night. Trees and flowers begin to grow beautiful blossoms...

The Best 10 Memes that Perfectly Describe Being a Mom

I'm normally one to sit down and reflect and try to find connections and go 'deep' when I write. Maybe it's the change in seasons as we head into spring, or the seriousness that...

To The Friends Who Stuck Around

February is a month of celebrating love - valentines, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, children. As we entered the month (after a seemingly endless January!), I realized how quick I am to jump immediately to celebrating...

Addicted to Busy (and Tired of It!)

Stop and ask some moms (or anyone, really) around you how they're doing and, more often than not, you'll get the same answer, "Oh the usual, super busy!" or something along those lines. I...

Life Before and After Social Media

Can you picture your life without social media? I was in a 5th grade classroom the other day and the students were having a discussion about how different life is now compared to life during...

Important Life Lessons I Have Learned From My Kids

Living and raising children in a world that is seemingly growing scarier by the day, I know many of us can agree that it’s so easy to get caught up in the stress and...

True Life: Mommy Celebrations and Confessions

In the midst of motherhood, I find myself often facing a tug of war between feeling like I’ve failed and feeling like I’ve won the freaking Olympics. Often times, I’ll celebrate something in the...

What Happened to My Boobs?! The Reality of Mom Boobs

I'm going to get a little more personal than I usually like to get. And it's probably going to get a little awkward. With a title that has the word "boobs" in it, you'd...

Really? No One Told Me This Was Part of Being a Mom

The other day I was rocking my sweet baby boy in my favorite chair while my husband put our older daughter to bed. My son repeatedly tried to pull my hair and shove his little fingers...

The Best Indoor Activities for Toddlers :: Surviving Summer

There are times (usually between the months of June and September) when I'm not quite sure why I live in Phoenix...our summers are not for the faint of heart. I like to consider myself...

Motherhood Is NOT an Excuse to Be a Bad Friend

If there is one thing us moms are great at, it's being able to commiserate with one another. We've been through so many of the same things that it's easy to nod, say "mmhmm,"...

Quick + Easy Strawberry Valentine’s Day Cookies

It's February and love is in the air! Valentine's day is right around the corner and nothing says love (to this dessert loving momma, anyway) like a plate full of sweet, delicious Valentine's Day...

I Miss The Woman I Used To Be

Of all the things I expected to happen with regard to motherhood, I never gave a second thought to the one thing that has so easily happened...I have lost myself in it. Somewhere between...

A Balanced Approach to New Year’s Resolutions

The new year is here and that means you'll be hearing: "How can you be a better you in the new year?" I’m sure you'll see it as well: non-stop gym membership commercials on TV, advertisements for...

The Nursery Chair That is Full of Love

One of the most exciting things in preparing for my babies was getting their nurseries ready for their sweet arrival. When I was pregnant with our first child my husband and I were clueless regarding what we...