Foodie Friday: The One Minute Breakfast Sandwich


The perfect quick and easy breakfast for any mom on the go!  Sometimes, when making sure our family gets fed and out the door in the morning, we can overlook taking care of and feeding ourselves.  Well this egg sandwich makes a tasty and nutritional breakfast in just 60 seconds.  No excuses now!



  • english muffin
  • 1 egg
  • slice of cheese
  • spinach
  • carrots
  • sprouts
  • butter
  • mayo
  • sea salt
  • pepper



  1. Place a small pad of butter at the bottom of a small round microwave-safe dish. We like to use our 4 1/2 ” ramekin for this.
  2. Crack egg over the top. Add salt and pepper. Cover dish and place in the microwave for 20-30 seconds.
  3. Meanwhile place english muffin into your toaster.
  4. Spread Mayo over both side of toasted muffin. Run butter knife around the edge of your egg dish to release. Flip over onto your sandwich.
  5. Add sliced cheese, spinach, carrots and sprouts piled high. Wrap in parchment and away you go!

[xyz-ihs snippet=”The-One-Minute-Breakfast-Sandwich”]


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Jessica loves to create simple and yummy food for her family and with her family. She does not believe that your food has be to fancy and expensive to be beautiful and delicious. In her free time she loves to hang out with her amazing little girl Caroline and brand new baby boy Benjamin. Her husband is her hero. And yellow is her favorite color. She would love for you to come check out all of her recipes on See Salt tv and subscribe to her newsletter for yummy inspiration delivered right to your inbox.


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