Hey mamas! I’m starting a new theme of posts on fashion and beauty. I am by no means an expert in either of these categories, but I am so in love with finding new and fun fashion and beauty ideas. I thought I would share them with you when I find exciting stuff!
Don’t you just love the look of scarves? And they are so trendy right now. Well, here in the Valley, we don’t usually need them for warmth, (except for last weekend, what was that Phoenix?!?) but that doesn’t mean that we can’t get in on the fashion trend. I love light-weight scarves because they can still totally add that extra flair to your outfit without making you sweat here in our 70 degree weather. I found two easy, DIY, no-sew scarves that you can make using an old shirt and scissors.
The first one is a fringe scarf:
1 ) Start with a t-shirt. Large or x-large works best. Any color or print you want. I chose a plain grey for my first attempt.
2 ) Cut the shirt below the arms. The top part you can throw out or save for another project. *I would also cut of the bottom seam of the shirt with this step. I didn’t my first try and ended up cutting it off in pieces later*
3 ) Start from one side and cut strips a little less than half way up the tube of the shirt. These do not have to be perfectly straight or spaced, I tried to keep my cuts about an inch apart.
4 ) Continue until you have strips all the way across.
5 ) Take each strip and pull on it. It will stretch and curl which makes the fringe look.
6 ) Ta-Daa! Ready to wear!
The second one that I tried is a spaghetti infinity scarf:
1 ) Start with your t-shirt and scissors. Again, larger size works best, but any color or pattern.
2 ) Cut across just below the arms of the shirt. Discard the top part.
3 ) Cut off the bottom seam of the shirt and set aside.
4 ) Fold the tube almost in half, leaving just 2 – 3 inches between the sides of the shirt.
5 ) Start cutting one inch strips all the way to where the shirt is overlapped. Leave the 2-3 inches uncut.
6 ) Continue the whole length of the shirt.
7 ) Take each loop and stretch it out.
8 ) Take the section still attached together and cut about a 6 inch strip from the hem of the shirt that you set aside earlier.
9 ) Tie the hem around the attached section and you’re done!
Hope you enjoyed making these cute and easy scarves! Check back every other Friday for more beauty and fashion fun! There are more DIY scarves from a blog where I discovered these, go check out 10 T-Shirt Scarf Tutorials from My Blessed Life. Also, remember Elisa’s DIY headbands? Super cute!
Good design,Super cute and handmade clothing.