And just like that, it’s fall. And while some are counting down the days until Christmas, I’m over here anxiously awaiting Halloween. I love Halloween. Not so much the blood, guts, and gore, but more the super cute kids dressed up in costumes. Halloween is officially the start of the fall/winter holiday season, and I am always looking for fun creative ideas for Halloween treats to bring to a party.
As soon as I had a place of my own, I would decorate my porch and front door, pour myself a nice big glass of wine, and wait until I heard that first little tap on the door. Those little munchkins. . . and even the smelly teenage ones, were pure happiness. And let’s just say the left over Reese’s and Peanut M&M’s were almost as good as those cute trick-or-treaters. Now that I have a little one of my own, this fall holiday hasn’t lost its charm. I love dressing up as a family for Halloween parties and trick-or-treating, and have also enjoyed helping plan my son’s Halloween celebration at school.
So with no further ado, here’s a round up of 20 Ghoulishly Delightful Halloween Treats for you to make and bring to any Halloween get together. And although many of these will satisfy a sweet tooth, I threw in a few kid friendly healthy options too!