
Kelly, a Phoenix Native, is a wife, mother, and passionate Real Food advocate and educator. Besides blogging at Oh Lardy she teaches numerous classes and workshops in the Phoenix area on a variety of Real Food and Wellness topics. You can learn more about her workshops and events on her Class Page. When she isn’t helping people transition to a Real Food lifestyle, she enjoys spending time with her family, photography, CrossFit, and just being awesome.

16 Thanksgiving Recipes You Will Love That Are Gluten Free

Let's face it, at this point in our lives, we all probably know someone who is a gluten free eater.  As more and more people choose to eliminate gluten from their diet as a...

Fall Wellness – How to Support Your Immune System

Each year I am determined to try to keep our family's immune systems as supported as possible.  There is no doubt we are going to be exposed to something, but I hope my family's immune...

How to Know If Backyard Chickens Are Right for You

When I was a child, I grew up smack dab in the middle of Phoenix.  We had a small backyard, a couple of dogs, and a couple of cats.  No farm animals.  Never in...

Homemade Vanilla Extract :: An Easy and Thoughtful Gift

Now that the holidays are upon us, and if you are anything like me, I am always looking for fun and thoughtful homemade gifts that we can give to teachers, friends, family, and all...

Did You Know Scented Candles are Dangerous and Toxic?

I will be the first to admit it!  I was a HUGE scented candle fan!!  My favorite was the Holiday Candle from The Gap - I got it every year!  I would even use...

Backpack Makeover :: How to Keep Your Kids Healthy and Happy

Now that my kids are back in school and away from home most of the day, that means they are away from some great resources - Essential Oils!  This means it's time for a...

Supplements: Do Kids REALLY Need to be Taking Them?

I have always been of the belief that all our bodies could possibly need can be found in food.  I have never really been a big vitamin-taker.  When my pediatrician wanted me to start...

Is it Really ‘Just’ a Lollipop?

A couple years back, someone on Facebook asked for ideas for healthy alternatives to an annual ‘popsicle' party at her child's school. The comment storm that ensued was quite crazy...   It is just a popsicle....

Tips on Finding the Best (Toxin-Free) Sunscreen for the Summer

Summer is practically upon us here in the Valley of the Sun.  Do you know what that means?!  It means swimming, traveling, hiking, exploring, camping, you name it!  I am super excited about the...

Yes It’s True, I am a {Recovering} Helicopter Parent

I am sure you are familiar with the term "Helicopter parent."  Perhaps you have read articles about it.  When you had children you vowed that you would never be one.  But then, if you...

Are You on the Standard American Diet?

I am not asking if your food is feeling down in the dumps.  Instead, I am talking about the Standard American Diet.  The Standard American Diet is a diet that is high in overly processed,...

What You Need to Know About Fermented Foods

Have you heard of fermented foods and wondered - - A) What the heck are fermented foods? B) Where can I find fermented foods? C) Will my family even eat fermented foods? Good.  You are normal....

Are You Prepared For “The Talk”?

When we have kids, we know that we will inevitably have to have the birds and the bees talk.  As they grow, they become curious and it is up to us to answer their questions...

How to Remain Stress-Free During the Holidays

The holidays are here!  I haven't met one person who doesn't love this magical time of year.  The seasonal food, the decorations, the parties, the music, the shopping, you name it; it is magical....

How 4 Cute Baby Chicks Changed My Life

2009.  That year was a turning point for our family. It started with backyard chickens. You would think that taking on backyard chickens would be something that comes later in a real food journey....