I’m not the first to share how parenting changes your life and those adorable little creations you birthed are sometimes time-suckers for attention, feeding, bathing, changing, etc.. Sometimes, a “date with your spouse” is when the kids go to bed 30 minutes early and you get that small window of peace and quiet or when they finally get to sleepover at the grandparents, but all you want to do is go home and finally sleep through the night yourselves! Our ideas of dating have definitely taken a less glamorous turn after becoming parents.
I’m here to say, LETS STEP UP OUR GAME LADIES! Maybe creating date nights with the hubby was on your New Years Resolution list or you just need to be reminded of “how to date your husband” with some ideas to get BOTH of you back on the bandwagon, even if it’s for one night!
Today is National Spouses Day and since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to throw out some fun and unique date nights for you and your other half! Let’s band together that we will NO longer make excuses about dating our husbands because of the kids. Making dates doesn’t have to be expensive and some can even happen after you put the kids to bed. The most important thing here is that we do it!
Remember your families started with the TWO of you… so let’s start dating Daddy again!
Date #1
Visit the Shops at Norterra – Valentine’s Vintage Car Show
Price: FREE
Combine your loves of shopping and vintage classic cars at this Valentines Car Show. There will be music, dancing and food, all the essential elements for a great date!
Date #2
Take a local road trip – Tour the wall murals of Downtown Phoenix
Price: With snacks $10, without FREE!
Don’t want to dress up and go to a stuffy art show but love local artists? There are some incredible local Phoenix artists that have spread their artistic creations around the walls of downtown Phoenix. Plan ahead and map your favorites, grab your honey and maybe a Starbucks, and hit the road by visiting these unique works of art. To make it extra fun and document your adventure, grab your iPhone or camera and snap some pics of your tour! P.S Murals can change over weeks or months, so check before you go.

Date #3
Gondola Boat Rides at the Scottsdale Hyatt at Gainey Ranch
Price: $10 per person
Snuggle up with your hunk and climb aboard to imagine you’re being whisked away riding the canals deep in Venice with a romantic gondola boat ride. As a bonus, you’ll also be serenaded with your sweetie as you travel along the resort lake. Make a night of it and book a room!

Date #4
Drive -In Movies at West Wind Glendale 9 Drive-In
Price: $7 , if you sign up for coupons it’s even less
Instead of a regular movie theater, head to the valley’s only drive in theater left. Let’s admit it, it’s an excuse for heavy kissing!

Date #5
Make A Date With Your Holiday Gift Cards
Price: FREE
I don’t know about you but during Christmas we get a lot of gift cards from family and friends. If you’re the same, don’t let those cards expire or sit in a drawer to be forgotten. Take your gift cards out and spend them, whether it’s for ice cream, Target or a restaurant, use your Christmas gift cards for a FREE night on the town!
Date #6
Bake Dessert At Home
Price: $0- $10 depending on your shopping list and sweet tooth
This date is great because it can be done at home and after the kids go to bed. And guess what… you don’t even have to share with the kids! Get sweet with your sweetie pie and bake cookies, brownies or whip up some hot fudge sundaes together. Whatever gets your sweet tooth to smile, do it together. If you need a yummy recipe check out these Mini Oreo Cheesecake Bites!
Date #7
Random Acts of Kindness Date
Price: Free-$10
Random acts of kindness shouldn’t just happen during the holidays, so make a date out of it. I thought this was the cutest idea when I ran across it from local couple fridaywereinlove.com. Feel good on your date while you add a little sparkle and shine to someone else’s day. Here are some simple ideas to get you started. Put coins by a vending machine for someone’s next treat to be on you, tape a bag of popcorn and a treat to a RedBox station for the next person who rents a movie, put quarters on gum ball machine to make some kids smile. Get creative together and come up with a few fun ideas yourself. Now that’s a great date!
Date #8
Float’s For Two at 5 & Diner & Sun Up Brewery
Price: $5-$10
Add some nostalgia to your date, head to 5 & Diner for a vintage feel and order a root beer float or milk shake to share, with two straws of course. They have some of the best shakes in town. It will remind you of being a kid again and young love! If your feeling more like a grown up float, head over to Sun Up Brewery for their Beer Floats: 4 flavors of beer paired perfectly with gelato/sorbet, happening on February 17th.
Date #9
Star Gazing
Price: Free
Phoenix has some of the most gorgeous skies after the sun goes down. Pick your favorite blanket, pillow, snacks and conversation. Sit outside in your backyard or head to a nearby park to gaze under the stars for a FREE and romantic evening of just being together. Take a book or map of constellations and see how many you can spot.

Date #10
Take a trip down Memory Lane
Price: Free
Visit the spot you first met your significant other, had your first date or maybe even your first kiss! If you don’t live in the same city anymore, maybe bring along some old photos and recreate your first date at a new spot to celebrate your love.
Fantastic post! Love 🙂