Let’s face it. We have all been there…..we have felt the judgement of others for decisions we make in raising our children. If we really dig deep, I bet we can all admit to a time that maybe, just maybe, we have even been the one doing the judging. It’s human nature…ugly as it may be.
Sometime in the early days of parenthood, most of us learn that parenting is not an exact science. Unfortunately, we are not sent home with a shiny newborn bundle of joy and a guidebook to the next 18 years and beyond. We can pick the brains of our friends and family members that have walked this path before us and we can comb the internet for tips from world-renowned pediatricians and child psychologists, but when it comes down to it, we all do what makes the most sense for us. And we hope to do it in a way that does not elicit unwelcome comments or judging glances from others.
Last year, Connecticut Working Moms ran an empowering photo series dedicated to ending the Mommy Wars, touching on hot topics such as; breastfeeding vs. formula feeding, natural birth vs. scheduled c-sections, co-sleeping vs. independent sleeping, I think we can all agree that these issues hit close to home for many of us.
This got us thinking here at North Phoenix Moms Blog and we would like to spread the word of “Let’s Love More and Judge Less” amongst our followers. Over the next few months, we are going to feature our own contributors talking about similar topics and why the decision we made was the best for our family. We want to balance out the mommy-wars and show that even though we may make different decisions for our families, we are all working toward the same goal….raising happy, healthy, successful children who will grow into happy, healthy, successful adults!
So stay tuned over the coming weeks for our own version of fighting back against the Mommy Wars! We would love to hear your feedback as we go through this journey together. Join us in Loving More and Judging Less!