Want to Be a Part of Our Consultant Business Guide?


As a local, mom-run business, there is nothing we are more passionate about than mompreneurs who are eager to make a living on their own terms, while being able to prioritize the needs of their families.  Direct sales and consultant run businesses have become an ever-changing piece of this growing market of mom-run businesses, and we are fully committed to supporting that. We launched our Consultant Business Guide in the fall of 2016, and are eager to grow and promote this directory for its re-launch in September 2017.

Consultant Business GuideNot only are direct sales businesses flourishing because of moms like you, but our blog and readership continues to grow as well, which means this guide is continuing to reach an increasingly larger number of people every year.  

We also launched our network of Neighborhood Groups last year, which are private online communities where moms are able to ask each other questions, seek advice, and meet local moms in their area. We are excited to announce and publish our Consultant Business Guide in our Neighborhood Groups.  We will link and reference this guide whenever moms are seeking a consultant for a particular brand. Additionally, this guide will receive prominent promotion on the blog and on our highly engaging social media platforms: 

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest  

Are you a consultant for BeautyCounter, LipSense, LuLaRoe, Team Beachbody,

Young Living, or a similar direct sales company???  

If you are, and are interested in this amazing cost effective advertising opportunity for your business, simply complete THIS FORM to list your business on our Consultant Business Guide and submit payment using the Paypal button below.  

[xyz-ihs snippet=”consultant-guide-paypal-button”]Please note: listings will be provided on a first come first served basis, with a maximum of up to 10 consultants per brand.  

*If you are a local and/or mom-run business but are not direct sales, please visit our Family Directory.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.  Email [email protected] anytime.  

We look forward to partnering with you and further promoting your brand on the blog

with our ever growing mom community!  



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