

Ways to Play With a Cardboard Box

We are getting ready to move soon, so we have been collecting cardboard boxes from friends, family, and stores.  While I should be busy packing these boxes, I can’t help but look at them and...

Crafts for All Seasons

Fall is finally here! And while we may not get to have the full fall experience here in AZ, it has brought with it (slightly) cooler temperatures, back to school, and of course, pumpkin spice...

Tips for Nursing with Older Siblings

Just over a month ago we welcomed a new addition to our family, a beautiful little girl Claire.  As we are adjusting to being a family of five, I couldn’t help but think back...

Flying with Young Children ~ Part 2

Last month I gave some tips for preparing for a trip and getting through the airport.  Today I’ll share some ideas on how to keep your little ones busy on the actual plane flight. Car seat...

Flying with Young Children ~ Part 1

Summer is here, which often means…vacation!  However, if you are the parent of several young children, you may have realized that vacation doesn’t necessarily mean a break.  Traveling with young children can be stressful...

Games On the Go

This weekend we had the opportunity to meet up with some friends in Palm Springs for a mini-vacation.  There were 3 families, and 6 kids all under 6, so you can imagine we were quite...

In and Out

No, I’m not talking about the restaurant chain, although at 26 weeks pregnant, that doesn’t sound half bad.  I’m talking about young children’s obsession with putting objects in and taking them out of containers. ...

Play: 5 Ways to Play With Sidewalk Chalk

I don't know about you, but I am loving this spring weather! We are trying to take advantage of it by spending as much time outside as possible before we start melting! As much as...

Plan a Leprechaun Visit

Looking for something fun to do with your kids this St. Patrick's Day?  Plan a visit from a leprechaun!  When I was teaching, one of my favorite traditions was having a leprechaun come visit...

Play ~ Sensory Bins

If you are part of the Pinterest world, you have probably seen the idea of sensory bins floating around.  If you are anything like I was, you are probably wondering what in the world...

5 Simple Ways To Be Your Child’s Valentine

I don’t know about you, but since having children, Valentine’s Day has taken on a whole new meaning for me.  I still think it is incredibly important to celebrate with your spouse and take...

Play: Winter Fun

Do you ever find yourself on Facebook staring enviously at your friends’ winter photos? You know, the ones that have them out in the front yard building snowmen or sledding down a hill with...