

The Great Toy Avalanche

Okay, I am crowdsourcing some help with my dilemma, because I’m really stumped… how do you keep toy clutter to a minimum when your kid wants to keep everything? So, like most kids, my two...

Lessons in Swimming and in Parenting

Summer is here!  Blistering hot summer… which means days of holing up inside, trying to keep kids entertained in ways that do not involve screens, and find ways to use up some energy when...

Easy Household Hack: Reusable Paper Towels

Wow, isn’t it amazing how fast money seems to go these days, especially when you have kids?  Our family is currently watching our pennies very closely, and sometimes it seems like the effort to...

Easy Breakfast Ideas

Easy Breakfast Recipes Isn’t it amazing how much of a difference breakfast choices can make in your morning?  Our family found this out about 18 months ago when I started working from home, which finally...

Exploring Phoenix- the Japanese Friendship Garden

One of the things I love about living in a big city like Phoenix is that there are so many offbeat, interesting things to see and do.  I’ve lived here for over 8 years...

A Phoenix Winter Bucket List

It’s here!  Our short season of winter, where we can put on cozy sweaters, have a fire in the fireplace, and go outside in jackets and mittens!  Now, I know some residents of Phoenix...

Quick and Easy Festive Touches for Your Home

Well, the holiday season is in full swing, which means wonderful music, decorations, and events… and also extra responsibilities, events, and stress.  Hopefully your December is trending more towards the wonderful-ness than the stressfulness!   If...

8 Reasons to Love Being a Phoenix Mom!

It’s November, and cooler weather is finally here!  Did you think the summer heat would never end?  I always get to a point in October, usually during the last heat wave of the year...

Teaching Kids Caution (Without Scaring Them to Death!)

So, I’m running up against a parenting issue that has me kind of stumped at the moment… as has happened before, and I’m sure will happen MANY times again.  It’s the issue of teaching...

Hurry, We’re Late for School!

Last month my daughter began going to preschool two mornings a week, and she loves it. I love it too- I love the fact that she’s having such a great time playing and interacting,...

Remember, I’m Only a Child

Patience is a topic that keeps coming up over and over for moms with young children.  This is definitely one of my major struggles as a parent.  My daughter Madeleine is three (“three and...

Birth Story from Margaret

Corbin’s Birth Story My second baby was born in November 2011. It was a boy, and we’d already picked the name Corbin. I was planning to do a VBAC- my first baby, my daughter Madeleine,...

Easy Summer Recipes

As the hot, hot, HOT Phoenix summer trudges on, we all can use some inspiration in the kitchen… especially when we’re busy with our wonderful kiddos or we don’t feel like standing over a...

Letting your kids make a mess!

Most days, I feel like I’m waging a never-ending battle to keep my house reasonably clean- not just because of my kids, but also because of me (I’m an inveterate paper-piler and memento-keeper).  My...