
Lauren has lived in Phoenix her whole life and loves calling the Valley home. She is the proud mom of two perfectly imperfect boys and the wife of a major babe. She is passionate about her job as a Realtor and is obsessed with recycling. She has two cuddly rescue dogs, and she is likely to destroy you in a rap battle. Her biggest goal as a contributor is to help other moms realize that we’re all fighting the good fight together. Lauren would say, “Let’s build each other up!”
crying baby

The Truth Is Motherhood Is Not Always This Hard

The first six months of having two kids were the hardest of my life. In the two short years between my children, I'd forgotten how little sleep you can survive on. I'd forgotten what...
camping with kids

Camping with Kids: How to Be Prepared, Have Fun and Be Safe

Our family went camping once or twice when I was young, but I don't remember many details about our trips. I know our tent was tan and I had a truly epic Rainbow Brite...

When You Get a Serious Case of Baby Fever

I've got a fever and the only prescription is another baby. It's true, I have a terrible case of baby fever. I've watched so many of my friends have babies in the last couple of...

How I Approached the Subject of Death with My Children

When I was eight years old, my grandmother died from complications due to Lupus. She had been in an assisted living facility in the years leading up to her death and I always remember...

Sex… It Definitely Matters in a Relationship

Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Is it just me or does this holiday come with really high expectations? Particularly, expectations about love and intimacy? With that in mind... Let's talk about sex, baby. Last...

Postpartum Depression Is Not Something to Be Ashamed Of.

When we welcomed our first child into the world, it was unlike anything else I'd ever experienced. The very minute I met my baby, my chest filled up with so much love I thought...

Hey, Little League Parent, You Need to Calm Down

This summer, I was sitting at my son's baseball practice and I heard the coach call for one of the players to hustle out onto the field. He was tying his shoe and looking...

I Experimented with a “Yes Day”

Was I slightly hesitant to do a "Yes Day"? You bet! Did I go for it anyway? Yes! I don't know why I'm such a restrictive mother. I don't want to be. I had a...

Why It’s Hard to Accept a Compliment and Just Say Thank You

I did a social experiment over the last several months in which I watched women's reactions when they were paid a compliment. Entrepreneurs, artists, mothers, students, introverts, extroverts – I spoke to all different...

How to Make a Summer Activity Jar for Your Kids

Someone suggested a summer activity jar to me as a way to combat boredom for my kids during the summer months. I was skeptical for a few reasons; the main one being that I'm...

Why I Love to Play Hooky With My Kids

When I was a little girl, I remember sitting in my homeroom class and hearing my name called over the loudspeaker. Can you please send Lauren up to the front office?” I looked up from my...

Learning to Be Proud of My Mom Body

At a happy hour a few weeks ago, I was talking with some of my girlfriends. In between bites of bruschetta and sips of white wine, we had one of the funniest conversations I've...