Alle Parmenter

Alle Parmenter
Mom of 2 wild boys, wife to an amazing and supportive husband, dog- mom of 2 crazy dogs and one recently added sassy cat. I have been writing privately for over 25 years, and recently a series on addiction and recovery. Most of my inspiration are experiences that I have had in the past, with myself and others as well as watching my friends go down the sober road more than once. I look forward to providing some fresh content as well as a different perspective to addiction and recovery. I want to share the good and bad in my road to recovery, as well as be a support system for other going through the same thing.

Setting Boundaries, Saying No, and Keeping Your Circle Healthy

Hey lady, its been quite a long year and its only August! I apologize for my absence, things have certainly been a rollercoaster. The last time we were here I gave an intro about...

Addiction in the 21st Century: Introduction and Overview

So, you're here. Reading this blurb about addiction and recovery and the 1000 foot view. Addiction in the 21st. Addiction in the time of a pandemic. Addiction as a mother/wife/friend/woman. I will give you...