A Baby Bjorn Giveaway! (Travel Crib Light + Fitted Sheet – $250 Value)



This is a sponsored post. We received Baby Bjorn product to review. My opinions are my own and my review is honest.

Recently we have started to travel LOTS. I mean it…we have 3 trips this summer which is a lot for our household with young kiddos. My travel is so I can help my sister who lives out of state with her kiddos, my nieces because her job requires her to travel. So when I had an opportunity to review this product I JUMPED at the chance. We have already spent 2 weeks with her in Austin / San Antonio and I would have loved if I had this BabyBjorn Travel Crib Light with us over her regular (read bulky) pack n’ play.

North Phoenix Moms Blog - Baby Bjorn Giveaway : Travel Crib Light

So what about this product? I love the convenience, style and quality of it.

#1 Convenience of a product as a parent is huge. The product is slightly larger than a briefcase so I’m ALL in for carrying this item around. Previous trips I’ve just opted to skip the pack n’ play and co-sleep with my son because the convenience factor isn’t there. I mean honestly if I’m traveling with 3 kids + car seats + a stroller + clothing + a diaper bag + a carrier + toys + etc  – AND THAT’S JUST THEIR STUFF – a crib just isn’t going to make the list. This product changes that. I would easily be able to carry this around with all the items mentioned above. Not only does it travel well but it provides plenty of room for baby to sleep comfortably as you can see below.

North Phoenix Moms Blog - Baby Bjorn Giveaway : Travel Crib Light

#2 Style is not the most important to me but it certainly helps. If you know me I like to take a photo or two “on occasion” LOL!  So if I have a choice I prefer my children’s items to have that clean and modern feel. I mean who doesn’t like products that look good while working well?!

North Phoenix Moms Blog - Baby Bjorn Giveaway : Travel Crib Light

#3 Quality of the product is last…because I saved the best for last. 😉 More important than any other factor about a kids product is the quality of the item. I can tell you that this travel crib is compact, easy to set up and their organic fitted sheet….I wish I could order it in a King size so I could sleep on it myself. It’s super soft and snuggly. My son who normally has an intermitted nap slept soundly in this crib.

So yeah I give the BabyBjorn Travel Crib Light an A+.

North Phoenix Moms Blog - Baby Bjorn Giveaway : Travel Crib Light

OH HAPPY DAY for our followers because thanks to Baby Bjorn we are giving away a Travel Crib Light + Organic Fitted Sheet to one lucky reader!

To enter for your chance to win see the Rafflecopter below! Good luck.

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Was our Baby Bjorn product review helpful to you?  What baby products can’t you live without?  Check out another baby product review by Rachel!


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Rachel has lived in Arizona most of her life and calls it home despite her California roots. She has loved design as far back as she can remember coloring, painting, crafting, and more as a child. Due to her job as a Marketing Coordinator, Rachel learned how to work in many design programs and it quickly took her graphic design skills to another level. Shortly after having her first child she began to blog about motherhood. She started a shop called Just Us Three to provide friends and family with baby accessories, and card designs soon followed. Rachel is blessed to marry her high school sweetheart and be a family of five. She is passionate about God, her family, design, party planning, blogging, social media, local AZ family happenings and more!


  1. We are moving to Michigan with baby #2 on the way, and our families are all on opposite coasts. So this will be used ALL over the East Coast, Midwest, and West Coast

  2. What a great review. This looks so amazing and way easier to carry than a pack-n-play! Plus Loving the light and modern design!

  3. Great looking travel bed and play yard! We’ve always used hand-me-down pack and plays, and would love to tote this stylish one on vacations! Planned for Coronado, CA this summer!

  4. We have a few trips coming up that I would love to take this on. We are going to Cali in just a few weeks. I love this light weight style.

  5. This looks very cool. We travel a lot so would be used whatever we go- Midwest to see family or Colorado to visit friends. We just got back from a Cali road trip and I agree the pack n play takes up room. This would also be nice for camping too.

  6. Can he be any cuter in that travel crib? Would love to win this! I have a 6 month old that would get lots of use out of a beautiful travel crib like this!

  7. I travel for work a TON! And I usually try to bring both my girls so this little guy would be worth his weight in gold! LOVE IT!!

  8. We would take this everywhere! My husband and I live in Arizona with no family close. Our families are spread throughout the U.S… From N. California to Virginia, Florida and Ohio!

  9. We are taking our first family trip with the baby next month to have her meet her grandparents and possibly her great grandparents for the first time. This will be her flight, we sure are nervous!

  10. We just had our new baby a few days ago and have lots of trips in the not too distant future. This would be a great addition to our travels. Fingers crossed! 🙂


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