Zoolikins Giveaway: Beco Gemini Baby Carrier


Alright mamas – who doesn’t love a great giveaway?  Well, you’re in for a treat because we have a BABY CARRIER giveaway from Zoolikins that we just know you are going to love!


Zoolikins is giving away one Beco Gemini baby carrier, valued at $130!  This carrier offers the luxury of carrying your baby/child in 4 different positions, from 7-35lbs.  It is easy for nursing, and you don’t need a newborn insert.  The Beco Gemini offers incredible ergonomic support, with a built in headrest that you can adjust to meet your child’s comfort needs.  You can breastfeed in it, wear it while you’re pregnant, and can even throw it in the washing machine when it’s been well used and loved.  It’s your one-stop-shop to baby wearing!

Baby Carrier Giveaway

The winner will pick up and be professionally fitted for the carrier at Zoolikins in Old Town Scottsdale – 7118 E 5th Ave, Scottsdale, AZ 85251.  This giveaway also perfectly aligns with a baby wearing class that Zoolikins is offering on Saturday, March 12th @2pm.  This class covers basic tips and techniques for a variety of baby carriers and is the perfect platform for you to test out, practice, and experience baby wearing and all its glory with the experts!  Don’t miss it!  If you can’t make their March 12th class, they’re offering another baby wearing basics session on Saturday, April 16th @1pm.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Kate was born and raised in Prescott, Arizona. She became a new mom in March 2015, when her son Walker was born, and is loving every minute of motherhood. She is an early childhood educator, with a bachelor’s in early childhood and a master’s in educational leadership. She spent five years teaching pre-kindergarten and kindergarten in the Phoenix area. In addition, Kate is the owner of Peas in a Pod Nanny Agency, which she opened in 2011. Although originally from Arizona, Kate also lived in the glorious cities of San Francisco and Chicago (where she met her husband). She spends her free time exploring new restaurants, taking trips when time allows, and soaking up time with her family.


  1. I think a stroller and a carrier will be my life savers with my upcoming baby! With a kindergartener and a preschooler, me and my little will be on the go a lot!

  2. I love my Britax stroller. It offers so many different options for seat placements so we can adjust it to fit our daily needs! Also love my Mody Wrap and Solly baby wraps 🙂

  3. I love our Baby Bum Brush. It lets me avoid getting diaper rash cream all over my fingers, it wipes clean easily, and it works really well!

  4. Baby wearing is the only way I am surviving 2 children under 2. My son will be 2 in April, and I have a newborn daughter. (WHAT WAS I THINKING?! haha) Thank goodness for baby wearing– it’s the only way I can keep my hands free for my 2 year old and my newborn nice and snuggled!

  5. When my son was born, the Solly Wrap and Ollie Swaddle got us through some tough times. Now that he has left the newborn stage, we LOVE the Zipadee-Zip, his portable sound machine, and his Einstein Baby jumper!

  6. I have been wanting one of these so badly! Really hoping to win 😉 I use my Moby daily and it is my saving grace most days!

  7. Baby carriers are the best! They are major sanity savers, especially when you have other children to look after as well as your little one

  8. I finally broke down and purchased a double stroller after the birth of my second but having a good carrier would be life changing.

  9. I can’t live without my carrier! My daughter hates the stroller and she’s too heavy to hold in my arms for more than 5 minutes so it’s a must!

  10. Our favorite baby item, probably red solo cups, baby spoons, spatulas, and plastic bowls. Anything not intended to be a toy or teether we will use as a toy or teether ha ha! Endless possibilities with a little imagination


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