Young Living Essential Oils Giveaway


000 Young Living Essential Oils - North Phoenix Moms Blog


We are so excited to be teaming up with Sara Borghaus of the Lemon Droppers and offering a Young Living Essential Oils giveaway!!!

Have you used these amazing all natural oils before?  They are a life changer!  Young Living produces the best, most authentic essential oils in the world and we are giving away 8 of them (valued over $150) to 4 of our readers!

Our first winner will receive a 5ml bottle of the Joy AND Peace & Calming (my favorite!) Oils.

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Our second winner will receive a 5ml bottle of the Peppermint and Lavender Oils.

005 Young Living Essential Oils - North Phoenix Moms Blog 006 Young Living Essential Oils - North Phoenix Moms BlogOur third winner will receive a 5ml bottle of the Lemon and Thieves (best creation ever!) Oils.

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And our fourth and final winner will receive a 5ml bottle of the Panaway AND Purification Oils.

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Be sure to enter this giveaway for a chance to try and FALL IN LOVE with these pure essential oils.

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  1. I have not tried any of the oils but I have many friends who rave about them. I would love to try the Thieves but would be happy to win any of the products!

  2. Ahh! I have tried thieves once from a friend and loved it, have never purchased any but always have been interested in taking the leap!

    • Sophia, please check out my Facebook page, “crunchy oily mom” if you are interested in “taking the leap” you can contact me through my page. I would love to help you get started!!


  3. I had always thought about trying these! I use a lavender and a eucalyptus for my clients when they are the labor but would love to try more of these especially joy and peace.

    • Mandi, please make sure to check out my Facebook page “Crunchy Oily Mom”. I can also provide info for you about essential oils and labor. Would love to chat with you about that!!

    • Amy, please check out my Facebook page “crunchy oily mom”! That is how I got started, wanting to use them for my kiddos… Let me know how I can help!

  4. I would love any of these oils. The only oil experience I have is with lavender oil which I use to help my kids fall asleep by applying a little to their feet at night!

    • Jen, There are so many options to help your kiddos fall asleep and even sleep better! Please check out my facebook page “Crunchy Oily Mom”!

  5. Eek! I LOVE to diffuse Lavendar, put lemon in my water, clean with tea tree, put eucalyptus in the humidifier, and rub thieves all over when I’m sick! I want to win so bad!

  6. What a wonderful giveaway. I know Sara personally and she is such a great person, mom, wife, friend, etc. if you don’t happen to be a lucky winner I would strongly suggest contacting Sara to get ahold of any of the YL products.

  7. I personally know Sara and she is a wonderful person, mother, wife, friend, etc. I highly recommend contacting Sara to try any of the great YL products.

  8. I have used peppermint oil in the past for sinuses and headaches. I would love to try these for everyday allergy and migraine relief. I’ve heard good things about Thieves.

  9. Yes I signed up to get YLEO through a close personal friend. I am learning as much as possible about them. I had a bad scald on my hand and put on lavender EO right away to speed up the healing and I was amazed at how fast my hand healed.

  10. I have tried YL oils and lavender turned out to be an unexpected favorite. It’s really good for everything especially for soothing bug bites on little ones.


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