Why My Husband is the Only One in the Delivery Room


Photo Credit: Jumping Cholla Photography

When I was pregnant for the first time four years ago, like most first time moms, I spent a considerable amount of time during my pregnancy thinking about my ideal birth plan. One big question I thought about a lot was, “Who do I want in the delivery room with me?”

Now, I’m not talking about medical professionals or birth doulas. I’m talking about family members and friends. 

I knew that my husband would absolutely be in the room with me, and since I was doing the Hypnobabies Home Study Course (due to bed rest) he was also going to be my birth support partner since he did the course work with me each week.

But, I wondered if I should invite my mom and sister into the room?

Or, even my Mother in Law?

I am lucky and have wonderful relationships with all of them, so I considered what my birth would look like with additional family members in the room.

I’ve also read some pretty awesome birth stories where family members other than the husband were in the room. I’m sure it’s an incredible experience to get to watch your daughter/sister/cousin give birth!

In the end though, I decided I didn’t want anyone except my husband in the room. We decided it was a really special time for the two of us, and something we wanted to experience with no outside interruptions or perspectives. 

My birth with my first daughter ended up going very differently than planned, with an induction that started at midnight and with me trying my hardest to give birth without an epidural amidst a Pitocin drip and having my waters broken by the doctor. 

It also ended up being one of the best experiences of my life (and my husbands). We got to experience it together, make decisions on our own, and have about an hour to ourselves with our new baby girl before the visitors starting rolling in.

I recently gave birth again this year to our second daughter, and again only had my husband in the room. Although, I did offer my (much) younger sister the opportunity to be in the room to watch, because I told her it would be good experience for when she has kids, ha! In the end, she wasn’t in the room and my husband and I got to experience another life changing event with just us two.

birth plan

Photo Credit: Sarah Forster Photography

How did you decide who you would have in the delivery room with you? Would you change anything about your decision? 

Here are some other great articles from Phoenix Moms writers about their pregnancy experiences. 

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  1. Indeed having a supportive birth partner make things different..i remember on the 4 April whn i gv birth..my husband was ther for me holding me by a hand though i was too scared and emotionally until we hear the cry of our baby boy..πŸ˜πŸ€—


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