Hi there! Here’s your mid-week dose of News Bites for Busy Moms…
Looking for something fun to do with your kids this week after school? Head to Deem Hills Park and go “Caterpillar Hunting.” You won’t have to hunt for long. These wriggly worms are taking over! I remember last year when they came through after some hard rains. They were EVERYWHERE! The creepy crawlies are kinda of fun to watch, but kinda gross too. I live close to Deem Hills and I remember dozens and dozens of caterpillars making their way down my street. I felt like I was in a sci-fi movie and a giant caterpillar wasn’t far behind. Get out soon if you want to see them. They don’t last long before they turn into moths.
The Healthiest Diet for Babies
As I was scanning the news wire looking for interesting stories to bring you, this particular article jumped out at me. “What Do We Actually Know About Feeding Babies” breaks down all that crazy advice you received from your friends, family and strangers about feeding your baby a healthy diet. You know what I’m talking about…. advice about “when you should feed your baby solids” to “how long you should breastfeed.” If you’re like me, a lot of the advice you received was contradictory… even from the professionals! Well, the advice in this article is taken from a study “that followed moms and babies from the third trimester of pregnancy through the first birthday and and then checked in with them again at the sixth birthday.” In the end, the take-aways won’t blow you away, but it’s encouraging to see common sense prevail.

When it comes to announcing the birth of a new baby, some parents may send a card in the mail. Others, like my hubby and I, may just post a picture on Facebook. Not Andreas Kleinke. This former Apple employee created an entire website dedicated to “his new mini.” With lines like “Nine months in development,” “Languages: Gibberish (pre-installed) and “Built in apps including iEat iPoop, iSleep, That’s it”… this birth announcement is amazing! In fact, since little Jonathan was born on August 22nd, he’s had well-wishers from around the world.
I’d love to hear from you… How did you announce the birth of your little ones?
Love the baby website!!!
What a neat site! It’s a testament to how fast news can spread online 🙂
We just sent a birth announcement 🙂
I’m close to Deems Parks I’ll have to stop by, thanks for the info!