Giveaway Winner: $350 Portrait Session


Remember this post from a while back? Stacey was encouraging us to support a local bookstore that was in trouble, and one of our West Valley Mom Blog readers was the lucky winner! Woo hoo! We are SO thrilled that our readers are willing to help out in a time of need.

028 Dream Photography Studio Dog Eared Pages West Valley Moms Blog nerd children photographer

Our winner is……..

Tanya Keplinger!

Tanya said:

“Purchased some wonderful books for my twins today. There is something so special about used books! Thank you for sharing!”

Tanya you have won a FREE portrait session by Dream Photography Studio including five digital files and prints of your choice (valued at $350!)!

Congratulations!!! We will contact you via email to let you know how to redeem your awesome prize ๐Ÿ™‚

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Krystle is the proud mama of three children (two girls, born in 2009 and 2011, and a boy, born 2013). Having three little ones keeps her on her toes most days but she wouldn't have it any other way! She loves crafting, DIY projects, homeschooling, natural living, spending time with her family, being involved at church, and enjoying the outdoors (when the temps aren't above 100 that is!). She is the co-founder of North Phoenix Moms Blog and gets really excited about connecting local moms together, planning fun events, and building community!


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