We all know self-care is so important yet many of us rarely act on it in ways that will do our souls good. Having learned my limitations and when to take a break, I decided that my 40th birthday was going to be “my year.” A new year, a new decade, a new me—working on my personal and professional development and advocating for my mental, spiritual, emotional, and relational health as well. Originally, I was supposed to go on a two-week cruise to Australia and New Zealand with my mom and sisters. Unfortunately, Covid and cancer threw a monkey wrench in our family’s plans and we had to cancel. Not to be forgotten completely, I was blessed to be able to go to Maui with my older sister, sans kids and husbands.
This was the first time I have ever been away from my kids for any extended length of time. The first time where I could truly do what I wanted when I wanted—not having to worry about wiping other peoples’ butts or noses, being interrupted multiple times a day, peeing in peace, and actually enjoying a hot meal in one sitting. Let me tell you ladies—it was awesome!
I had prayed I would find an amazing deal and get to enjoy my hard-earned savings for this trip and accomplish all the goals I had for myself. I wanted to share some photos with you ladies from my EPIC 40th birthday trip to Maui. We quarantined safely to go on this trip.
I surfed for the first time, snorkeled to Molokini Crater in the middle of the ocean, I paraglided off Haleakala Crater at 6500 ft. elevation, swam in luxurious waterfalls, took a SkyTrek tour on Road to Hana. I biked, hiked, and relaxed. I went to Ali’i Lavendar Farm atop Haleakala, had a birthday photoshoot on the beach, and attended Te Au Moana Luau. I connected with my sister on a deeper level, challenged myself, loved myself, got a tattoo to commemorate my trip, and lived life to the fullest!! Forty doesn’t mean life is half over—it is all about mindset and doing the things that you are passionate about and have fun with! Maya Angelou said:
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
This is my life quote!
Another amazing thing that happened: My sister and I had lunch in Paia, a cute little town that has the BEST pizza in Hawaii. (My husband took me here 7 years ago for my birthday and bought me a beautiful Hawaiian bracelet. Sis and I looked in the shops to see if I could find another one). En route, we passed two tattoo parlors. We had talked about getting a tattoo to commemorate this trip. The first shop we went to had a sign on the door saying they went to the market and would be right back. The second shop was completely booked. I had been going back and forth about wanting another tattoo. I prayed for a little sign if I should get another one or not. We went back to the first shop and the tattoo artist was there. Long story short, as we were talking, turns out the guy giving me my tattoo lived in Phoenix, went to my same grade school and high school, and is best friends with the tattoo artist who gave me my very first tattoo two years ago in Phoenix! Say whhhaaattt?!?! Now, I know crazy things have happened to me before—however, this time I had to laugh because my *sign* couldn’t have been more “full circle.” How crazy is that?! 2,833 miles of divine appointment.
I chose a heart with an anchor inside it. I like it. Anchor for my soul. Love, to stay grounded in who I am: intentionality, faith, goodwill, kindness, authenticity, strength—the important people/passion/adventures/calling/blessings in my life. This ties into my first tattoo. (I need some touch up/finishing touches, but it’s very symbolic for me). My first tattoo is my tag line as a writer: “my journey through words” on my left forearm because it correlates with the vein that goes from my left finger with my wedding ring and connects to my heart. The butterfly because it represents those I love and its right-wing is in the shape of an R which represents my dad and my angel babies.🤙❤️🤙
“Six degrees of separation is the idea that all people on average are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. Also known as the 6 Handshakes rule. As a result, a chain of “a friend of a friend” statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps.”
If you ever get the opportunity to take a trip and you are on the fence because of mom guilt, please, do yourself a favor and take the trip! This will energize and renew your spirit, allowing yourself to rekindle the fire in your heart to help you remember what it is like to show yourself love and kindness, enjoy the things that make you smile, and help you identify as “you” outside of your many other roles as wife, mama, coworker, sister, daughter, friend. All around, making you a better wife and mama, refreshed and ready to tackle life once leaving paradise and entering the real world. Your 40th birthday would be the perfect opportunity.
Maybe Maui isn’t on your radar, but for your 40th birthday maybe a staycation, massage, pedicure, escape to nature, a visit with a girlfriend, or some solitude is within reach. Do something to regenerate the vigor inside you, mama!