Tara O'Brien

Tara O
Tara knew being a mom would change her life forever. And, just a few years into being a mom, she realized that she was a hot mess (or a spicy disaster). Her go-to tactic of ‘do more’ left her exhausted and disappointed. Tara knew she had to find a way out of the fear, doubt, and overwhelm inherent in raising children, especially children with ADHD, anxiety, and gifted diagnoses. Thankfully, she did, and she’s dedicated to sharing her methodology with other moms who are raising spirited kids. Even though things feel broken, her approach isn’t about “fixing” mom or child. For more information about her approach, coaching programs, or to schedule an initial conversation, check her out at www.dramafreeadhd or follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
self care

Is Self-Care Making You Feel Worse Rather Than Better?

Are you done hearing the term “self-care” because you are doing all the “things” but not really feeling any better? You choked down the green juice in the morning, downloaded your favorite meditation app,...

One Parenting Mistake That’s Easy to Fix

“I don’t want to…” “It’s boring…” “I hate it…” Chances are you are no stranger to these statements. And most of us respond with some sort of “just get it done, get over it,...
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