Rachel Bronson

Rachel Bronson
After more than a decade in the Windy City--and a two-year stay in Dallas, TX-- Rachel Bronson is thrilled to be back in her native city to raise her three kids along with her best friend and husband of 11 years, Dan. Life with twin seven-year-old girls and a crazy three-year-old little man is always busy, but Rachel, a former journalist and middle school English teacher, loves to write and is passionate about empowering and helping fellow mamas embrace real and raw motherhood. A longtime anxiety warrior, Rachel is also passionate about sharing her struggles and how she fights anxiety and perfectionism with heavy doses of personal development, mindset work, and lots of sweating to home workouts! When she’s not writing, working out, or momming, Rachel can likely be found meal prepping, baking, reading, listening to another podcast, or watching the next episode of a binge-worthy Netflix show with her husband.
I quit

Give Yourself the Gift of Quitting

This holiday season, in addition to the fruitcakes and mistletoe, plaid-clad family photos and requisite piles of gifts near the menorah or Christmas tree -- or whatever you observe, there’s one other gift I...

The Eleventh Commandment for Moms: THOU SHALL DO ONLY WHAT MAKES SENSE 

When my twin girls were 18 months old, for reasons still semi-unclear to me, I decided that trying to teach a twos preschool part-time was a good idea. Really, I did. I would wake...
stepping off the scale

The Surprising Benefits of Stepping Off the Scale

My mornings look a lot different than they used to. It’s not because I suddenly discovered the secret to getting my kids out the door faster, or because they somehow, miraculously, grew listening ears...

Raise Your Hand if You Used to be a Teacher: Sharing My Story as...

Two years ago I made the almost unbearably painful choice to leave my dream teaching job and become a “stay at home mom” (although these days more like, “stay in the car mom” #justsaying)....

Giving Moms the Gift of Truth this Valentine’s Day

Once upon a time, two young and busy Chicago professionals welcomed beautiful and healthy twin baby girls. This month those baby girls turn eight, and as on all of their birthdays, it has me...

The Number One Resolution to get Behind This Year: Acceptance

Why Acceptance May Be Your Ticket to Peace and Happiness in 2022 Despite the unpredictability of the last two years, January always seems to elicit excitement and engender a strong desire to get out a...

Journal Your Way Into the New Year

I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions, but one habit that seems very new year’s resolution-y that I can get behind for any overly-busy mom (read: you) is to start a journal. You mean...

Tip the Scale for a More Body-Positive Mindset

As a chronic dieter and disordered eating recoverer, I know well how body weight and the scale can severely mess up your self-image. I used to step on that devilish little black box every...
getting dressed

5 Reasons to Let Your Kids Win The Getting-Dressed Battle

Yesterday, my 7-year-old daughter (who may actually be a 17-year-old living in a 7-year-old body, I’m not sure), came into the kitchen for breakfast dressed in a long-sleeve black sweater with flip sequins, fire-engine...

Don’t Worry, There’s a Podcast for That

  A few months ago I wrote about my newfound love for audiobooks (aka, a way to actually "read" your own books and not burn out on Eric Carle). But lately, I find myself trading...

Preppable Breakfast Ideas for Back-to-School

Take a breath from school supply organizing because rise-and-shine meal help is on the way! Keep reading for my top three back-to-school breakfast ideas that your little ones (and not so little ones) will...
brain fog

Want to Get Rid of Brain Fog? Consider Getting Off Instagram for Good

Feeling like you have mom brain years after your precious little angels were born? What if your tiny tyrants aren't to blame for your foggy noggin? What if the culprit would be traced back...

Bunions Beware: What I Learned, and the 411 for Your Feet

Oooh girl. It’s not like I feel super sexy most of the time as a mom, but I definitely didn’t feel super sexy sitting in the podiatrist’s office last week, watching as he examined...

Is The Artificial Grass Greener Than The Real Thing?

Although a messy and costly process, Mary Scot Boyce and her husband, Matt, love their new and, well, “unreal” lawn. A few months ago, the Scottsdale-based parents of two young kids, ages 6 and...
start reading

Three Tips to Start Reading YOUR Books Again

Admit it: You love Good Night Moon and The Hungry Caterpillar as much as the next mom, but at the end of the day, you secretly long for a few minutes to escape into...