
Laura is a new mom and a new blogger. She was born and raised in Central Phoenix, and she now lives just blocks away from the street she grew up on. She and her husband are college sweethearts; they met in Tucson and later married at The University Club of Phoenix. Laura is active and passionate about the community that raised her and where she is now raising her son. Laura works in higher education, and works to balance her career and parenting with loads of coffee, lots of optimism, and plentiful late nights filled with writing.

The Magic of Stories: Velveteen Mommy

Once you are real you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always. -Margery Williams  "The Velveteen Rabbit" My baby shower theme was a “children's books” inspired party. It encouraged everything exciting about literature that I...

Join in the fun for Read Across America Day!

The National Education Association’s Read Across America is an annual reading motivation and awareness program that encourages every child in every community at every reading level to celebrate the importance and love of reading...

Up All Night :: A Mother Never Stops Worrying

It's about 6:00pm. I just got my hair blown out, and am wearing a cocktail dress while fumbling around an old 'gift with purchase' bag for make up I'm dusting off as I untwist...

Parenting an Extrovert When You Are an Introvert

I have always been an introvert. For as long as I can remember it has been difficult for me to be in groups and large social settings. Throughout my life I have learned how...

How to Make a Menorah-Saurus Rex for Hanukkah

It's that time of year! This year we have a one year old, and although he wont be lighting candles, he will definitely be more present in the twinkles of the lights from our...

A Mother’s Ode to the Amazing Binky

Dear Binky, You have been the little helper every mother needs and wants. When you are around, the world is quiet and peaceful, the colors are brighter, and I am actually able to drink my...

The 2016 Election and My First Year of Parenting

I’d like to preface this post with a disclaimer: I spent the majority of my professional life in the political sphere. I met, and first formed a friendship with, my husband working on political...

Dear Best Friend … I Haven’t Forgotten About You, I Promise

Dear Best Friend, Hi. Remember me? I'm the one who used to go out with you on Thursday nights, we would drink a bottle of wine after work, talk, giggle and stumble home to our...

How to Win at Daycare – 4 Tips to Make Your Life Easier

We are officially back to school -- at daycare! Like most daycares, our school had a little break between summer and the start of a new school year.  After having had my son in daycare...

5 Items I Will Never Forget to Pack When Traveling With a Baby

I had the opportunity to go on a family vacation this summer with my son and husband. We traveled by car, for about 6 hours, and were gone for 3 days. As this is...