Jamie Dana, MC, LPC

Jamie Dana, MC, LPC
Jamie Dana, MC, LPC, is the founder and clinical director of Elevate Counseling, where she helps teens and adults overcome mental roadblocks and achieve their goals to live an elevated life. Mental Health Specialties include research-based interventions to address stress and anxiety, parenting, adolescent development, trauma, self-esteem, eating issues and the struggles of the gifted and high-achieving population. For more information about her techniques, services and additional resources to help you succeed, check her out at www.elevatecounselingaz.com or follow her on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM. You can also Contact her to schedule an initial appointment today
over apologizing

Are You An Over-Apologizer? Is ‘Thank You’ More Appropriate?

Are you an "over-apologizer?" Do you say sorry for things that aren’t your fault or don’t actually require forgiveness?  The other day I met a friend for lunch.  She was running about 15 minutes behind...

Is Your Teen Putting You On An Emotional Roller Coaster?

Teens say (and do) the darndest things: How our brains play a role in decision making. Have you had the experience where your teenager is yelling about the unfairness of your rules one minute and cuddling...

My 5 Favorite Links For Supporting Your Child Through COVID-19

We are in the midst of an unprecedented health crisis. Life disruptions and uncertainty related to the COVID-19 outbreak have us understandably anxious. If you or your children are feeling stressed, these resources will...

Is Teaching Your Child To Drive Causing You ‘Driving Anxiety?’

"I passed the driving exam! Now, all that's left to do is learn to drive!" There are moments in raising children that will stop your heart. Recently, I'm finding many of these moments with...
letting go of mom guilt

Letting Go Of Mom Guilt

In 2018, Serena Williams began opening up about her "Mom Guilt" on social media. Her posts went viral.  Mom's across America could relate. You don't have to be a tennis phenom to feel the...

Is Your Child Begging For A Cell Phone?

Can You Hear Me Now? My Child Is Begging For A Cell Phone! I vividly remember when I started the campaign to get my own phone in my room.  I was a child of the...
middle school

Supporting Your Tween Through Middle School

"Middle School Can Be A Wild Ride" A couple of years ago, one of my son's elementary school teachers summarized perfectly the tween years.  My son was approaching 6th grade and I asked for her...
video gaming

Is My Child’s Video Gaming A Habit Or An OBSESSION!?

Video Gaming Then & Now I remember when my family got our video gaming console in the 1980s. I grew up in a small town in Indiana, where summers were for running around outdoors, but...

How To Help Your Kids Find A Sense Of Purpose

Finding Purpose Leads To Longer Lives  Do you ever ask yourself what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?  Having a sense of purpose just might be extending your life. A new study...