Faith Drew

Faith Drew
I was born in South Korea and adopted at 5 months old. I grew up learning there are many internal characteristics and needs as humans, we all share. We all share a desire to connect and to belong. The way I grew up has influenced my profession as a couples therapist - I help people be in-relationship with one another honoring their autonomy and creating connection and belongingness. I am grateful for being adopted, being part of a loving family, sharing a life with my best friend, raising a tiny human and Westie, and helping my community. Find me @connectcouplestherapy.
date night

6 Barriers to Date Night (And How to Get Around Them)

Think about your relationship with your partner and answer the following question: How often do you have a date night? Select one: Religiously (at least once a week). Sporadically (whenever we can find a...

A Therapist’s Guide to Gift Giving

It took me way too long to get the message that my husband does not like my gifts nearly as much as I do. In the early years, I would buy him clothes. I...

Why Every New Mom Should Add a Night Doula to their Registry

Raise your hand if you are familiar with the term birth doula. Yep, lots of us know about doulas and probably many of you had one at your side during labor. But have you...

Let’s Talk About It: Life as A New Parent is Really Hard

That moment you become a parent is life-changing; your emotions span from awe to panic, sometimes within minutes. In fact, I distinctly remember carrying our newborn into our home, putting her car seat with...
child's emotional health

I’m a Mom and a Therapist: Here are 3 Ways I Support My Child’s...

“Mama, I just want to stay home today and relax.” I almost got a case of whiplash when I heard this and turned towards her. No indoor playgrounds, no indoor bouncy places, no swimming,...

Stressed About Your Kids at School? Here’s How to Talk to your Partner About...

Feeling anxious about sending your child to school? Who isn’t? Even during non-pandemic years, the first days of school are full of emotions. It’s nearly impossible not to feel nervous especially this year considering...

3 Therapy Approved Skills Your Child Can Learn From Bluey on Disney+

If you told me four years ago that I’d be learning sound parenting advice from a cartoon character on tv, I would have rolled my eyes. To be totally honest, I usually dread the...

Glamping: Your Solution To A Device-Free Weekend

After a year and a half of back-to-back Zoom meetings, we could all use a weekend to unplug. Unplugging as a family, especially as a couple, has tremendous benefits and has the potential to improve ...
dinner with your kids

Is Dinner with Your Kids Really that Important?

People go to great lengths to give their children the leading edge when it comes to education and playing sports: moving across the country, hiring the best tutors and trainers, enrolling in the most...
kids should see

5 Things Your Kids Should See at Home

There might be many times you hide from your children. Like when you have a monstrous candy bar and you want to enjoy it without sharing. Yes, we’ve all been there, lying down in...