
Crystal is a southern transplant — originally from Mississippi — who hopped from state to state before finally landing in Arizona. She is a mom of two boys and considers herself to be a “recovering” military spouse since her husband left active duty Army years ago. She is a voracious reader, passionate writer, sometimes runner, wannabe foodie and “kid brunch taker” who loves finding ways to escape the unbearable Phoenix summers. She is also super involved with her sorority’s alumni chapter, so she is basically a perpetual 21-year-old.

When Your Parenting Style is Revealed in a Happy Hour Drink

At a recent North Phoenix Moms Blog happy hour, we gathered together to celebrate motherhood and the blog.  While we were there I noticed nearly every mama ordered a different happy hour drink. The drink orders...

Car Safety :: Tips to Ensure Your Kids Aren’t Left in the Car

My kids are loud. Really loud. They're the kind of kids who start talking the moment they wake up and don't stop until bedtime. And I'm pretty sure at least one of them talks...

Date Nights WithOUT a Babysitter

Before I had kids, I (reluctantly) admit that I sometimes gave a side-eye to parents who shirked every event. How hard is it really to get a sitter? Two kids and thousands of miles away...

A Family Guide for Phoenix Fun: An Activity for Every Weekend

I've lived in the Phoenix Metro area for more than 3 years, and every year I say the same thing - This is the year we will get out, explore, and take advantage of...

Heart Disease Awareness // Events in Phoenix

Think fast: How are you most likely to die? Not to be morbid, but statistically speaking, heart disease makes the top of the list. This fact alone is just one reason the American Heart...

4 Well-Meaning Things Parents Wish You Wouldn’t Do

I know people generally mean well, I do. But sometimes, when it comes to our kids, even those with the best of intentions inadvertently do things that can make parents cringe. Most of them...

Monster Jam Comes to Glendale + Discount Tickets

  My sons are stereotypical boys: they watch football with their Dad, yell at the ref when he makes a bad call, and cheer when their team scores. They frequently carry toy swords and water...

7 Egg-free Breakfast Recipes To Get You Through The Egg Shortage

  My dear husband woke up before me the other day and decided to cook breakfast. He planned to make french toast -  a first for him. Since he was cooking, I went to walk...

Fall Festivals Around Phoenix, The Valley and Arizona

Photo credit Hide Obara | Blake Bronstad | Jessica Flecky One thing I love about fall in Phoenix is that it's finally cool enough to go outside for more than a few minutes...

7 Essential Items For Flying With Kids (And Staying Sane In The Process)

No matter how experienced of a traveler you may be, throw children into the mix and it's a whole new ball game. My 2-year-old is nearing three, and to say he is a handful...

5 Last-Minute Labor Day Staycation Spots To Book Before Summer Is Over

Although school has started for most of us, if you're anything like me, you still want to eke out the last few fun days of summer while you can. With Labor Day coming up,...

What You Can Do To Help Your Pet During Monsoon Season

Anyone who has survived a Phoenix summer knows that in addition to the heat,  we have to contend with the rain, thunderstorms and dust storms associated with monsoon season. But while WE can quickly Google...

An Educator Shares What You Really Need To Know This School Year

We did everything we were supposed to do: We purchased everything on the school-supply list, even the optional stuff for the class to share. We've gotten the requisite back-to-school haircut. We've bought a new...
dog swimming in pool

5 Ways To Exercise Your Dog When It’s Too Hot To Go Outside

It's summertime ... and the livin is easy ..." Just kidding. When you live in Phoenix, there's nothing easy about the summer. And with temperatures already lingering in the 100s, the easiest thing you can...

6 DOs And DON’Ts Of Surviving A Phoenix Summer

I moved to Phoenix nearly three years ago. It was December. I marveled at how we were able to wear shorts nearly year-round. I laughed inwardly at the person I saw wearing a fur...