14 Helpful Apps That Every Mom Should Have


Apps are pretty much a phone staple anymore, they help us busy moms organize everything from grocery lists, to meals to our entire family calendar. I love apps, but I am not big on having a bunch of them crowding my phone screen and eating my data. Let’s just say that I’m very familiar with the “storage almost full” pop-up on my screen. So when it comes to apps, I want them to be useful and helpful. 


I browsed what I had and asked my fellow #nphxmoms contributors for apps that they use regularly. The following is a list of top choices for us moms to help keep us sane and help us use our time wisely.

  • Target Cartwheel. Fact: Moms love Target. I love that I can save some serious money with this app. I am that person that stands off to the side and scans EVERYTHING in my cart. 
  • Ibotta. It’s sort of like Target Cartwheel, but works for a variety of stores and online services. Browse what’s listed, add, and when you get home you scan the item, take a picture of your receipt, and voila! You get a credit that can be turned into a cash option or put it into one of the gift cards they offer (Starbucks gift cards, yes please!). 
  • Retale. This app pulls all the sales together in one place (more than just groceries) and I can quickly browse the ones I care about. My goal is to try to meal plan around the ads and use what is on sale as my guide.
  • Think Dirty. I love this app because I can simply scan things and find out how “dirty” they are on a number scale and it takes the guesswork out of reading the confusing labels. This app covers cosmetic, skin care and home cleaning supplies.
  • Healthy Living. Another app regarding getting rid of toxins is this EWG app. This one covers both food and cosmetics!
  • Prepear. If you’re looking for meal ideas and planning this one is great. Easy recipes with fresh ingredients. (It uses recipes from Super Healthy Kids—which I love).
  • Fry’s. You can use this for the Clicklist option, which is a lifesaver! First 3 are free and then only $5 after that to have someone do your grocery shopping for you! Saves what items you buy making it easy to add to your cart. You pick a time, pull up and they bring your groceries and put them in your car! 
  • Wonder Weeks. This app gives you a peak into your baby’s development. You can watch your baby grow and learn about the changes and what your baby is believed to be perceiving.  
  • Little Hoots. You can jot down and record quotes from your kiddos, add cute little graphics and easily share them.
  • Audible. Because who has time to read. With a monthly membership you get access to a wide range of bestsellers. Listen in the car, while making dinner or at the gym. With a 30 day free trial period, you can’t go wrong. It also links to your Amazon account (which is incredibly convenient.)
  • Libby by Overdrive. It is an app that lets you check out audiobooks from the library! It is like Audible, but totally FREE!
  • Shutterfly. Upload photos, make photo books, order prints and offers FREE personalized photo items every week. (We all know that FREE is the best price going!)
  • Project Life. Similar to Shutterfly, but gives more of a scrapbooking look to your photo books. An easy way to continue with a baby book or any family photo book, one page at a time. This one does cost to get, but seems to be worth it in the long run.
  • Afterlight. An all-time favorite photo editing app, easy to use and helps your photos look their best.

What apps make your life easier? Do you have any that you couldn’t live without right now? We would love to hear!


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