The Second Annual 4th Trimester Arizona Conference was a fantastic success! The goal? To reach out to new families, provide education, and build a supportive community because those first three months after baby comes (and beyond!) can be tough.
Over 300 people gathered at the i.d.e.a. museum in downtown Mesa to learn about topics that, previously, haven’t been discussed out in the open. Things like Sex and Intimacy After Baby, Your Body During And After Pregnancy, Demystifying Postpartum Depression and Anxiety, Matrescence (the identity shift that happens as we transform into motherhood), and much more!

“I know that it can be very isolating to be a parent,” said Jennie Bever, Executive Director and Founder of 4th Trimester Arizona in her opening remarks. “But I want you to know that you are not alone. Everyone who is here today [at the conference] is here because they want you to know that you are not alone. We’ve brought you together today to bring resources here AND to let you know that you are each other’s resources. Making connection with people in this village is what brings me more sanity. We have this huge, wonderful, perfect village and all we have to do is reach out.”

It was also a day for healing. The conference provided plenty of opportunities for reflection with a Healing Room, yoga, sound healing, and sharing our stories in a Truth Booth provided by the ASU College of Nursing and Health Innovation and Kari-Ann Hubbard of Postpartum Diaries.

If you missed the conference this year, don’t sweat it. It’s going to be even better next year and PLUS 4th Trimester Arizona holds monthly Community Gatherings and everyone is welcome!
Community Gatherings
2nd Wednesdays of the Month | 10 – 11:30 am
I.d.e.a museum
150 W. Pepper Place, Mesa, AZ 85201
4th Trimester Arizona
4th Trimester Arizona is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting all families as they transition into parenthood. Through the grassroots efforts of health professionals, educators, local businesses and families, 4th Trimester Arizona provides support for families during pregnancy and through the first months and years after a baby is born. 4th Trimester Arizona connects “the village” of support for new families through community events and connection to other parents, local groups, and organizations.