4 Truths About Dating in 2020


Simply put, dating in the modern era is difficult no maTTER WHAT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES.  (Case in point, that awkward sentence capitalization is brought to you courtesy of my own modern day dating dilemma, my two year old, who is coloring on my lap and helping me “write” about modern day adult dilemmas.) With that said, let’s get back to the dating topic… 

4 truths about datingI’m a full-time single mother who doesnโ€™t have much time to breathe, let alone bathe. I know, that’s gross but can’t we all admit that at one point in time as mothers we have gone at least 4 days straight without a shower? So, finding the time to date is nearly impossible when you are raising a little sassy-pants-know-it-all, working full-time and spending countless hours in Phoenix rush hour traffic. Let it be known that I love my Little Sass beyond belief, but I also occasionally hide in my closet and “fold laundry” while I eat thin crispy chocolate chip cookies in my quiet place.

Perfection does not exist, not even in the year 2020.

Human nature instills within us the desire to find a partner to experience life with. These days, navigating all of the โ€œfish in the seaโ€ is not an easy task. Here are 4 truths we face in dating, even in 2020.

1) You donโ€™t have the time.

2) You donโ€™t have the patience.

3) You donโ€™t have the energy.

4) You donโ€™t have the focus.

So, what’s a single gal to do? Well, like anything in life, dating has itโ€™s good points and bad. You invest and it doesnโ€™t work. You donโ€™t invest and it could have worked even better than you could have imagined. You truly never know until the stars align and you find your perfect match.

I myself have not found my perfect match but I continue to have faith that my stars will align at the appropriate time.

The new year brings new beginnings and here is to another new year!

Should anything I attempt to achieve this year not work out as I may have hoped, at least this momma gave it a shot!

Approach life with zero hesitation. Seek the respect that you deserve. And most importantly, show those beautiful babies of yours that they should be treated kindly, appropriately, and that they should not settle for anything less than what they deserve.

Here is to 2020, a year full of possibilities, achieving goals, and teaching our babies that we all deserve love and the utmost level of respect and compassion!



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