Boy, has it been hot and sticky or what? We are trying to stay inside as much as possible, unless we are in the pool of course! My almost 2 year old is becoming bored with our inside activities at home this summer, so I have been looking for more outside our house, but still inside, in the AC. My girl is still a bit too young to go to the movies, well at least to sit through a whole movie, especially with the price of it now. Actually, I am hesitant to spend money going anywhere, since we never know how long we will actually be there for.
We have found a solution in our local, public library. We have been going to activities at the Sunrise Mountain Library, through the city of Peoria. They have story time for newborns and up. We love going to Toddler Time, where the kids listen to books, sing songs, and even get to do crafts. This last week, we learned about the letter “L”. We heard books about llamas, leopards, and lizards. We sang “3 Little Llamas Jumping On a Bed”. We even colored pictures of lions and lambs.
The library offers so many story times, activities, and attractions, and the best part is they are all FREE! Our library has many activities this summer including water day, a magician, games, and a whole lot more. They have suggested readings for all ages along with a summer reading program where prizes can be earned, including a chance to win tickets to a Diamondbacks game. I am grateful that my daughter loves books and I hope to encourage that love to grow. Please look up a local library close to you and see what all they have to offer. We all know that reading is so important for kids of all ages. For more on books and reading, see Liz’s post from last week, Take a Look- It’s in a Book.