Illuminate Family Workshop, PLLC is a private speech therapy practice serving families near the Camelback Corridor/Arcadia/Paradise Valley/Scottsdale area with in-home services. We focus on empowering kiddos and their families with the tools to communicate and connect confidently, effectively and authentically.
We specializes in therapy for kids ages 3-15 with needs in speech sound production, fluency, vocabulary development, expressive/receptive language, auditory processing, AAC, social skills, pre-literacy (phonological awareness), executive functioning (i.e planning, sequencing, organizing, self-monitoring)
Check out the website for more information about cost of services and resources on developmental milestone. Contact us at [email protected] to get started with a screening or an evaluation. Already have an evaluation or IEP? Let’s get started on a collaborative treatment plan to address your child’s needs.