Be Thankful – Fall Printable



We are excited to bring to our readers free printable downloads and what a great design to kick off these posts on the blog. With fall in the air and people giving thanks all around us we decided to design something special that would speak to the season.

West Valley Mom's Blog - Be Thankful Printable

We took this design and simply framed it to display. Other ideas could to be to shrink down to a small card size and give out to family and friends or to use as a tag or even simply pin it up on a bulletin board. Whatever you do we hope that it brings you joy during these fallidays and helps you give thanks to whatever means the most for you. Check back SOON for our Thanksgiving – Around the Table printable series! It’s one you won’t want to miss!

(Please do not share/copy/or sell this printable. You may β€œpin” it,Β  please source correctly. You may not claim it as your own or alter the image. It is for personal use ONLY! This image is property of West Valley Moms Blog and Just Us Three Design.)

West Valley Mom's Blog - Be Thankful Printable 2

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for some seriously delicious dishes/recipes for the holiday season that will be posted in the next couple weeks.



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