
Danielle and her husband met at Arizona State University and have been living in North Phoenix since 2010. They have an energetic son and sweet daughter who bring more joy, laughter and laundry than they ever thought possible. Danielle serves as the Chief Communications Officer for one of the largest school districts in the state where she also received her K-12 education.  She and her family are playground connoisseurs who are always in search of the latest and greatest neighborhood gems. Danielle cherishes 5 a.m. trips to the gym where she spends a solid hour to herself a few mornings a week. A real treat for her could be catching a hot yoga class, enjoying a girls’ day at the spa, taking in a live theater performance or stealing away for a weekend trip alone with her husband. Danielle has been known to indulge in a reality show or two and should never be left alone with a spoon in the ice cream aisle of the grocery store. She is passionate about providing opportunities for young people and believes that education is the answer to everything.

Why I Don’t Treat My Kids the Same

I have two kids. One boy and one girl. One big and one little. One kid for my right arm and one for my left. Restaurants always have a table for our family of...

Four Friends, Four Different School Choices

As a kid, I loved school. Not only did I think learning was fun, but I had parents (and teachers) who believed in me and taught me that education was the gateway to my...

Your (Mom) Voice Matters: Why You Should Vote This November

It’s the time of year that you can’t stop at a red light without avoiding the bright signs plastered at each intersection. And don’t even get me started on the TV commercials. This may...

Our Best Decision: Creating a Family Trust

One night shortly after the birth of our firstborn child, my husband threw me a curve ball: What would happen to our baby if something happened to us? This sleep-deprived and bleary-eyed new mama wanted...

A Shout Out to the Working (Traveling) Moms

I recently boarded a plane headed to my first national conference since having my two children. Exhausted, I comfortably sank into my seat, glanced across the aisle and watched as two adorable, well-meaning parents...

My Baby is not a Baby Anymore … What Happened to the Time?

Everyone says that once you have kids, the days are long but the years are short.  They aren’t kidding. My youngest is about to turn two and I can’t help but feel like the...

The Best Restaurants for Mother’s Day Brunch in Phoenix

It’s almost here! Mother’s Day is our annual culmination of sleep deprivation, self-sacrifice and a whole lotta love. And really, what better way to celebrate us, and the super bowl of motherhood, than a...

What You Need to Know If Your Child’s School Closes on Thursday

As I write this, our state in experiencing the most historic movement in public education since…really, ever. With an affirmative vote of teachers from across the state, a walk-out has been scheduled to protest...

The Amazing and Unique Role of Grandparents

It’s been one year since I heard the voice of my sweet Grandma. She was 93 years old when she passed away and still as sharp as a tack. I loved chatting with her...

School Choice | How to Decide Which School Is the Best for Your Child

I always thought that picking a school for my kids would be one of the easier decisions I’d make as a parent. In addition to two kids of my own, I like to say...