It’s here! Our short season of winter, where we can put on cozy sweaters, have a fire in the fireplace, and go outside in jackets and mittens! Now, I know some residents of Phoenix curse even our mild winters and can’t wait for temperatures to get above 100 again… but not me! Even when I shiver when the house is cold in the morning, or yelp when I wash my hands at the kitchen sink and the water is freezing, I am still happy for the chance to have some weather other than Hotter than An Oven. Before we know it, those triple-digit temperatures will be back, probably by March or April…. sigh.
Which reminds me, last summer (probably in July, when we were sequestered in the house except for forays to the community pool), I made a mental note to take my kids out to enjoy the outdoors when it was cooler. It just killed me to read magazines full of suggestions for how to enjoy the summer with kids, outdoors, when it was just too blazing hot here to do them. Now those cooler days are here, so here is a “Phoenix Winter Bucket List” that I plan on working on for the next two months! What would you add to this list?
Phoenix Winter Bucket List
___ Fly a kite
___ Go on a nature walk and collect different leaves
___ Ride bikes
___ Make chalk drawings all over the patio and sidewalks
___ Teach my daughter how to play kickball
___ Do a nature scavenger hunt at the park
___ Play catch!
___ Take a trip to the Desert Botanical Gardens or the Phoenix Zoo
___ Hike on a trail and watch for animals
___ Play tag!
___Go on a picnic
What are some of your favorite outdoor activities to do when it’s cool enough to spend the day outside? Let us know in the comments! And happy adventuring in the great (cool!) outdoors.