(Me w/no make-up, dirty hair, wearing pajamas)
I am a person who loves a good challenge! I may not conquer them all, but I sure do like to try.
I wanted to tackle the issue of being and feeling frumpyΒ as a mom. Personally, I totally struggle with this. I’m going to be honest and let each of you in on a little secret…I don’t shower everyday (gasp!!). There are simply days where it just seems more productive to be stinky for the sake of getting other things done. My kids don’t care (or at least I think they don’t care) about what I look like everyday and that gives me such a great excuse to just not do it. Not get ready. Not feel good about myself. But that’s just it- It’s an EXCUSE!
I know that there have been times where I have been more diligent about getting ready, and I have felt so much better about myself when I did. Recently, I downloaded an E-Book called “From Frumps to Pumps” by Sarah Mae. It is a 30 day challenge to for moms to get ready and stay that way. That is what inspired this post! I want to set the example for my girls that their mommy thinks it’s important to take care of herself.
When I get up, take a shower, put descent clothes on (no jammies!), pluck my eyebrows, shave my legs- I feel more prepared to face the day somehow. I feel like I have the energy to be more motivated and get more done. Can any of you relate?
On that note, I’m challenging myself to get ready, every day, for 10 Days. To some of you who are much better about doing this, I realize this may sound a bit silly. However, I suspect that I’m not the only one and that someone out there wants to take on this challenge with me! I will be tracking my getting ready-ness through Instagram photos and I’ll hash tag it #WestValleyMoms for those of you who want to see my progress! Tomorrow is Day 1….who’s with me???
I’d love to hear about your thoughts on the topic of feeling frumpy as a mommy- do you struggle with this? And if not, what is your “secret” to staying motivated to do it every day?
I take a shower about every 3 days! LOL…I never get any “me” time. Perhaps that will change as Stella gets a little bit older. I usually have to preplan my showers with my hubby to make sure he can watch the kids, since he works nights and sleeps days. I agree completely, though, that when I actually get ready I feel so much better about myself and have a much more productive day! As soon as I recover from having Stella, I will join you in the challenge! π
PS…You look BEAUTIFUL for someone who has no makeup on, dirty hair, and pajamas…I wouldn’t have even known.
YES!!! I am SO doing this with you!!!! What a great motivation!!! PLus, I want to wear pumps ha!
Thanks for posting this!!!
Can’t wait π
Great stuff, Krystle! I’m late but I’m going to give it a whirl. I, too, am one to put off a shower…