Working from home sounds like a dream to some mothers, right? Gym clothes, sipping fresh lemon water while joyfully typing away. Well once you live it, you realize it isn’t such a walk in the park. Before I begin my rant of challenges that come with this work from home title, let me back up and start off by saying I know how lucky I am to be able to work from home while raising my babies. I know. I get to provide for family AND spend quality time with these kiddos every single day. But let me also be the first to tell you, that this isn’t as easy a task as some may think. Here are a few of the realities, and challenges work-from-home moms are faced with.
- Conference Calls. Oh boy. Good luck getting to fit any of these into your schedule while working from home. The baby will be hungry, and the toddler will want a snack, more juice AND a different show on all while you are trying to talk to a client. It never fails. Nothing says professional like a screaming toddler while trying to talk about a refinance or new home purchase. I cringe at the site of “let’s schedule a call” in any email…unless they can talk at 9pm once the kids are in bed!
- No Nap = No Work. Have you ever tried to check your email on a laptop with kids? It’s like releasing the newest Fisher Price toy to your littles. They want to touch it, slap the keyboards, and point at every little thing that comes up on the screen. Yes baby, that is a dog (in the ad on the website I am trying to go to). So let’s be honest; it’s much easier just to leave the computer time for once the kids are down for a nap, right? Oh, like that’s so predictable. Today my 18 month old slept for 30 minutes, and the entire time my infant nursed. Well, looks like more work for me this evening once the kids go to bed. It never fails. But don’t worry they will take a 5 hour nap on the weekends just to show dad how much “time” they give me to get all my adult duties done. So those of you stuck at the office away from your kids, at least enjoy your breaks and your lunch.
- The “what have you done all day” look from your husband. This is a tough one, because often times it’s hard to explain what you did all day while you are “working from home.” Between the constant needs of the kids, fitting a few emails or client needs between the meals, diapers, play time, etc. it is overwhelming how fast time goes by. Then I also try to keep the house in presentable shape so it doesn’t look like a tornado came flying through the living room. The daily grind of multitasking is certainly exhausting, and isn’t for the individuals that want to squeeze in a nap or even a pee break from time to time. There is no time for that nonsense.
The truth is, that working from home is crazy, it’s chaotic, and I sure do love it. There is nothing like checking an email and also getting to see your child take her first steps, or learn a new word. The hard work and stress is oh so worth it. And sleep? Well I will catch up on that once they are 18 and off to college.
For those of you wanting to be a “WAHM” or are already, here are some helpful tips on
Yup! This all too true
Oh the “what did you do today” question is all too familiar. I used to feel fumes seep out my ears but now I just stare into the abyss… I recently became a WAHM and still have a lot to learn. 😉
My life in a nut shell! I just had the convo with my Husband the other night about how he never notices how nice the house looks when he comes home. I mean… I seriously put so much effort into making sure it’s clean every day for him when he comes home even though I’m exhausted and have been pulled a million different directions all day long!
All so true! It’s amazing how fast time goes and how unproductive I fee some days despite being constantly busy.