You can’t open social media anymore without being flooded with pictures of friends’ kids or reading about a baby’s latest milestone. Social media is the modern day baby book for parents. Thankfully this makes it easy for us parents who neglect to keep up with our kid’s baby books to fill in the blanks over the years. Recently I was able to catch up on my children’s memory books. I pulled one picture of each kid from my Instagram and Facebook pages for every month in 2016 and created a 12 page mini book of memories.The book I chose from one of the photo management and personalization sites was its simplest option, but there are plenty of sites to choose from and each offers unique customization. Because I will spend hours pouring over these types of projects, I found it best to keep it simple with a format that didn’t allow for more than one photo per page or additional text. I kept it simple with just the picture and the month.
We reminisce about the stories that go along with the picture every time we look at the book.While we know everything lives on the Internet forever, I bet our kids will not be looking at our Facebook pages 30 years from now to see the pictures of their first haircut. Why not save them for them in a way that will be easily accessible forever?
There are also apps that will automatically pull your photos and captions, compile them in a book and mail them to you monthly. Check out,, or just google ‘photo books’ for the myriad of options.
Before you hesitate on posting yet another photo of your child, just remember it’s for nostalgia’s sake!